gun violence — Stories — The Rail

gun violence

The Daily Rail: Politics and Your Restaurant, Do They Mix?

The Daily Rail: Politics and Your Restaurant, Do They Mix?

In today's restaurant-inspired news: a beer/sports matching infographic, video of a gnarly Mexican restaurant brawl and the thoughts behind combining your political opinion with your restaurant.  



The Daily Rail: Tipping present challenges, problems for operators, study finds

The Daily Rail: Tipping present challenges, problems for operators, study finds

Today's restaurant-inspired new: Tipping creating major hurdles for restaurant operators, bizarre gun violence at Texas restaurants, and should Yelp review be protected speech under the First Amendment?



The Daily Rail: Man rides horse into Taco Bell because Texas

The Daily Rail: Man rides horse into Taco Bell because Texas

Today's restaurant-inspired new: A cowboy decided to ride his horse into Taco Bell, continued training your staff is one of the best ways to retain best employees, and the power of the Millennials may play out this election.



The Daily Rail: The most expensive cities (worldwide) to drink a beer [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Daily Rail: The most expensive cities (worldwide) to drink a beer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Today's restaurant news: You won't believe how much it costs to drink beer in some cities, some familiar faces in the top full-service chains in the US, and Chipotle blamed for more food poisoning.



The Daily Rail: We need to get bar & restaurant security right

The Daily Rail: We need to get bar & restaurant security right

Today's top restaurant news: Russian & English soccer fans clashing at Euro2016 should keep your guests entertained, and how this weekend shows that bars & restaurants need to be better about protecting their guests.



The Daily Rail: Downeast Cider trolls Roger Goodell

The Daily Rail: Downeast Cider trolls Roger Goodell

Today's top restaurant news: the minimum wage labor cost hack you don't know, Downeast Cider trolls NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, and how to keep your guest's safe from gun violence.

