European Championship — Stories — The Rail

European Championship

The Daily Rail: We need to get bar & restaurant security right

The Daily Rail: We need to get bar & restaurant security right

Today's top restaurant news: Russian & English soccer fans clashing at Euro2016 should keep your guests entertained, and how this weekend shows that bars & restaurants need to be better about protecting their guests.



The Daily Rail: The bigger the wine glass, the more guests drink, study finds

The Daily Rail: The bigger the wine glass, the more guests drink, study finds

Today's top restaurant news: bigger glassware means bigger drinkers, a study finds; eSports is official a sport in Russia; Starbucks cashes in big with gift cards; and what the huge retail layoffs means for restaurants



The Daily Rail: Downeast Cider trolls Roger Goodell

The Daily Rail: Downeast Cider trolls Roger Goodell

Today's top restaurant news: the minimum wage labor cost hack you don't know, Downeast Cider trolls NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, and how to keep your guest's safe from gun violence.

