coffee — Stories — The Rail


The Daily Rail: Brooklyn Restaurant Goes from Bullet Holes to a Viral Meme

The Daily Rail: Brooklyn Restaurant Goes from Bullet Holes to a Viral Meme

In today's restaurant-inspired news: How to build sports bar promotions that work, Netflix opens a pop-up weed shop, Starbucks caters to hearing impaired baristas, and a NY restaurant that's become a viral meme. 



The Daily Rail: Are Restaurants the American Dream?

The Daily Rail: Are Restaurants the American Dream?

In today's restaurant-inspired news: Chipotle is officially going 100 percent clean with their food, what drinks bartenders would never order at the bar, and why the restaurant industry may be the 'American Dream' for many. 



The Daily Rail: Politics and Your Restaurant, Do They Mix?

The Daily Rail: Politics and Your Restaurant, Do They Mix?

In today's restaurant-inspired news: a beer/sports matching infographic, video of a gnarly Mexican restaurant brawl and the thoughts behind combining your political opinion with your restaurant.  



The Daily Rail: The Nation's First Transgender Job Placement Program for Restaurants

The Daily Rail: The Nation's First Transgender Job Placement Program for Restaurants

In today's restaurant-inspired news: A coffee quiz that will give you a buzz, a naked restaurant in London and a California restaurant creates the nation's first transgender job placement program.   

