promotions — Stories — The Rail


The Daily Rail: Brooklyn Restaurant Goes from Bullet Holes to a Viral Meme

The Daily Rail: Brooklyn Restaurant Goes from Bullet Holes to a Viral Meme

In today's restaurant-inspired news: How to build sports bar promotions that work, Netflix opens a pop-up weed shop, Starbucks caters to hearing impaired baristas, and a NY restaurant that's become a viral meme. 



How Restaurants Can Create Snapchat Geofilters

How Restaurants Can Create Snapchat Geofilters

Snapchat introduced a new feature that could potentially be a marketing goldmine for your sports bar or restaurant. Snapchat now allows users to create custom Geofilter overlays that are placed on top of photos and video clips that reflect your location. Here is a step-by-step guide on what they are and how to create them. 



Restaurant Social Media Marketing Calendar: April 2017

Restaurant Social Media Marketing Calendar: April 2017

It’s hard to stay ahead of the curb when it comes to social media marketing. Most of the time when fun occasions arise that could make for some great content, it’s already too late. We created a couple of social media content tips for April holidays that could really set you apart from your competitors.



Best of #WineWednesday on Social Media

Best of #WineWednesday on Social Media

We've seen in before. Deals for signature days of the week respond well in terms of guests. They know exactly what to expect and you have a better chance to build guest retention. Promoting these days can be done in a variety of ways; in person and online.  



Best Bar Signs on Social Media

Best Bar Signs on Social Media

Bar signs are the epitome of creative and can they allow restaurants to express character. Our Citizens of the Rail have been doing some great things posting their eye-catching bar signs on social media. Here are some bar signs that deem worthy to get us in the door.

