sexual harassment — Stories — The Rail

sexual harassment

The Daily Rail: Protect Your Restaurant's Staff & Guests By Getting Your Team Anti-Harassment & Assault Trained

The Daily Rail: Protect Your Restaurant's Staff & Guests By Getting Your Team Anti-Harassment & Assault Trained

In today’s restaurant news: how to build a social media influencer program to get through the slow times, tips for writing the perfect menu descriptions, how to get your restaurant’s staff trained in anti-sexual harassment & assault tactics, and more!



How the #MeToo Movement Has Affected the Restaurant Industry

How the #MeToo Movement Has Affected the Restaurant Industry

While the #MeToo movement has tarnished the reputation of high profile restauranteurs and celebrity chefs, the desired outcome seems to remain elusive. Here’s how restaurant owners and managers can improve their work environment and fight back against sexual harassment and abuse.



The Daily Rail: Protecting Restaurant Staff from Harassment is a Serious Management Responsibility

The Daily Rail: Protecting Restaurant Staff from Harassment is a Serious Management Responsibility

In today’s restaurant news: what restaurant managers can do to help their kitchen staff, protecting restaurant staff from guest harassment, NY restaurants aren’t closing due to minimum wage increase, and more!



The Daily Rail: Fight for $15 Teams Up with #TimesUp

The Daily Rail: Fight for $15 Teams Up with #TimesUp

In today’s restaurant news: how to make sure your restaurant doesn’t get cited in an OUI incident, the Fight for $15 movement teams up with #TimesUp against McDonald’s, several restaurants offer free food to drunk guests who leave their car in their lot, and more!



Are We Really This Dumb in the Restaurant Industry?

Are We Really This Dumb in the Restaurant Industry?

Chili’s is learning the hard way that denying a restaurant staff member a promotion for not dressing according to traditional gender roles is a fast track way of being sued for discrimination.



The Daily Rail: Ideas to Overcome Restaurant Recruitment Obstacles in a Tight Labor Market

The Daily Rail: Ideas to Overcome Restaurant Recruitment Obstacles in a Tight Labor Market

In today’s restaurant news: how to improve your women chef’s experience in your restaurant’s kitchens, Americans drop a lot of cash for Thanksgiving, tips for overcoming restaurant recruitment issues, and more!

