Fight for $15 — Stories — The Rail

Fight for $15

State of the Restaurant Industry 2021: Post-COVID Edition [INFOGRAPHIC]

State of the Restaurant Industry 2021: Post-COVID Edition [INFOGRAPHIC]

As the restaurant industry emerges from the darkness of COVID-19, operators are turning their sights to what the ‘new normal’ will bring and how they’ll run their business. Here are our survey respondents with restaurant owners, operators, and managers.



Is the 'Fight for $15' Inevitable in the Restaurant Industry?

Is the 'Fight for $15' Inevitable in the Restaurant Industry?

The last change to the minimum wage occurred over a decade ago in the summer of 2009. It’s the longest period America has ever gone without a raise in the minimum wage since its creation in 1938. While states are moving forward, the federal government is at a standstill. Despite obstacles, a majority of restaurant workers, in addition to Americans in general, want to see a rise in the minimum wage



Our Top Restaurant Stories of 2019

Our Top Restaurant Stories of 2019

With 2019 ending, we thought we’d look back at what we think the top restaurant industry stories of the year are and what those stories actually mean to operators looking to thrive in 2020.



The Fight for $15 – How Has it Impacted the Country’s Culinary Capital?

The Fight for $15 – How Has it Impacted the Country’s Culinary Capital?

While the National Restaurant Association decries any law to increase the minimum wage, data shows that raising the min-wage doesn’t hurt restaurants with higher labor costs but helps restaurants with higher sales.



The Daily Rail: The Tip Credit Will Not Go Quietly Into the Night

The Daily Rail: The Tip Credit Will Not Go Quietly Into the Night

In today’s restaurant news: how to find the best kitchen manager for your restaurant, what restaurant operators today can learn about McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish, tip credit fights for relevancy in the industry, and more!



The Daily Rail: The 'Fight for $15' Shouldn't Scare Restaurants

The Daily Rail: The 'Fight for $15' Shouldn't Scare Restaurants

In today’s restaurant news: American banks pit Millennials against restaurants, why the Fight for 15 shouldn’t scare restaurant owners, what restaurant operators can learn from family-dining operators, and more!



The Daily Rail: Is Restaurant Unlimited's Bankruptcy the Beginning of the End?

The Daily Rail: Is Restaurant Unlimited's Bankruptcy the Beginning of the End?

In today’s restaurant news: why sports bars need to cater to eSports fans & gamers, why too much CBD is bad for your liver, is RUI’s bankruptcy a sign that restaurant minimum wage increase is bad, and more!



The Daily Rail: Quick Tip for Offsetting Restaurant's Rising Labor Costs

The Daily Rail: Quick Tip for Offsetting Restaurant's Rising Labor Costs

In today’s restaurant news: how to market your restaurant’s health menu to fitness fanatics, how rising gas prices play into rising food costs, an equation for offsetting your restaurant’s rising labor costs, and more.



The Daily Rail: Fight for $15 Teams Up with #TimesUp

The Daily Rail: Fight for $15 Teams Up with #TimesUp

In today’s restaurant news: how to make sure your restaurant doesn’t get cited in an OUI incident, the Fight for $15 movement teams up with #TimesUp against McDonald’s, several restaurants offer free food to drunk guests who leave their car in their lot, and more!

