Menu Prices — Stories — The Rail

Menu Prices

The Daily Rail: What 100% Tariffs Will Mean for the Restaurant Industry

The Daily Rail: What 100% Tariffs Will Mean for the Restaurant Industry

In today’s restaurant news: tips for becoming a better restaurant manager, should smoking be allowed back at restaurants & bars, what 100% trade tariffs would mean to the restaurant industry, and more!



How to Prep Your Restaurant for a Minimum Wage Increase

How to Prep Your Restaurant for a Minimum Wage Increase

Like it or not, the Fight for $15 is going to win. Restaurant operators should prepare now for a mandated minimum wage increase to see how they’ll manage the change and get ahead of the game.



The Daily Rail: Menu Discounting Is a Viable Restaurant Marketing Strategy -- Sometimes

The Daily Rail: Menu Discounting Is a Viable Restaurant Marketing Strategy -- Sometimes

In today’s restaurant news: why restaurant inventory management is the most crucial issue for operators, why AB Inbev’s purchase of the Craft Brewing Alliance means the end of the craft beer trend, when to use menu discounts to boost slow restaurant sale periods, and more!



The Daily Rail: The 'Fight for $15' Shouldn't Scare Restaurants

The Daily Rail: The 'Fight for $15' Shouldn't Scare Restaurants

In today’s restaurant news: American banks pit Millennials against restaurants, why the Fight for 15 shouldn’t scare restaurant owners, what restaurant operators can learn from family-dining operators, and more!



10 Ways to Improve Your Bar's Profitability

10 Ways to Improve Your Bar's Profitability

With restaurant profits getting tighter every year, restaurant operators need to look for ways to maximize their restaurant & bar profitability. Here are 10 ways to boost restaurants’ bottom lines — from technology to staff issues.



4 Insights into Restaurant Delivery Service Execution

4 Insights into Restaurant Delivery Service Execution

Restaurant delivery is among the hottest restaurant industry trends. We look at the less obvious aspects of restaurant delivery service execution, including upselling, POS integration, ghost kitchens, and optimizing delivery menus.



The Daily Rail: Restaurant Operators Need to Better Review Their Menu Costs

The Daily Rail: Restaurant Operators Need to Better Review Their Menu Costs

In today’s restaurant news: restaurant employees are dissatisfied with their training, restaurant operators aren’t reviewing their menu prices enough, 78% of restaurant guests want toppings on their fries, and more!

