tipped-minimum wage — Stories — The Rail

tipped-minimum wage

Is the 'Fight for $15' Inevitable in the Restaurant Industry?

Is the 'Fight for $15' Inevitable in the Restaurant Industry?

The last change to the minimum wage occurred over a decade ago in the summer of 2009. It’s the longest period America has ever gone without a raise in the minimum wage since its creation in 1938. While states are moving forward, the federal government is at a standstill. Despite obstacles, a majority of restaurant workers, in addition to Americans in general, want to see a rise in the minimum wage



How to Prep Your Restaurant for a Minimum Wage Increase

How to Prep Your Restaurant for a Minimum Wage Increase

Like it or not, the Fight for $15 is going to win. Restaurant operators should prepare now for a mandated minimum wage increase to see how they’ll manage the change and get ahead of the game.



The Daily Rail: Court Rules Side Work Should Also Be Paid Full Minimum Wage

The Daily Rail: Court Rules Side Work Should Also Be Paid Full Minimum Wage

In today’s restaurant news: your bartending staff is liable to be sued for overserving guests, the US Ninth District court says restaurants must pay staff full-minimum wage for side work, LA legalizes street food vendors, and more!



The Daily Rail: Starbucks to Cover Transgender Staff Surgeries

The Daily Rail: Starbucks to Cover Transgender Staff Surgeries

In today’s restaurant news: The Ultimate Guide to Working with Restaurant Suppliers [Presented by Orderly] , the Burger-Bot rises, Starbucks to cover transgender staff surgeries, and more!



The Daily Rail: Chefs/Restaurateurs List Their Dining Red Flags

The Daily Rail: Chefs/Restaurateurs List Their Dining Red Flags

In today’s restaurant news: the benefits of offering a secret menu, gaming is for everyone, chefs/restaurateurs list their dining red flags, and more!

