Chipotle — Stories — The Rail


NYC vs. Chipotle: A Battle Over Fair Workweek Laws

NYC vs. Chipotle: A Battle Over Fair Workweek Laws

NYC is suing Chipotle for violating it's Fair Workweek Laws over two years. Why restaurant staff scheduling is a big restaurant issue for employees and managers, how NYC is handing the dispute seems highly political.



The Daily Rail: Has Chipotle Cracked the Restaurant Staff Retention Code with Their New Employee Incentive Program?

The Daily Rail: Has Chipotle Cracked the Restaurant Staff Retention Code with Their New Employee Incentive Program?

In today’s restaurant news: a look at sports bars’ relationship with women’s sports, Chiptole debuts their new restaurant staff incentive program, swing-state voters don’t care about restaurant menu nutrition info, and more!



The Daily Rail: Are Fresh Food Items Causing More Food-borne Illness?

The Daily Rail: Are Fresh Food Items Causing More Food-borne Illness?

In today’s restaurant news: how useful is culinary school to restaurants, why introducing more fresh food items is causing more cases of food-borne illness, how restaurants can learn from the Thousand Oaks tragedy and more.



The Daily Rail: Is Instagram Ruining Our Food?

The Daily Rail: Is Instagram Ruining Our Food?

In today’s restaurant news: a brand new batch of restaurant memes, Chipotle’s next play to regain ground, Instagram’s relationship with food, and more!



The Daily Rail: Going Digital Means More Employees?

The Daily Rail: Going Digital Means More Employees?

In today’s restaurant news: baby is born to golf & Brazilian ping pong (feet only) [presented by ChiveTV], Starbucks is opening its first signing store, will adding digital kiosks into your restaurant somehow mean more employees, and more!



The Daily Rail: CBD is Slowly Making Its Way Into Restaurants

The Daily Rail: CBD is Slowly Making Its Way Into Restaurants

In today’s restaurant news: get ahead of your suppliers: watch your prices this Fall [presented by Orderly], nobody can eat 50 eggs, CBD is slowly making its way into restaurants, and more!



The Daily Rail: Chipotle Shows Why Restaurants Should Focus on Their Staff

The Daily Rail: Chipotle Shows Why Restaurants Should Focus on Their Staff

In today’s restaurant news: restaurant memes, Vermont joins the marijuana club, Chipotle shows why restaurants should focus on their staff, and more!



The Daily Rail: Times They Are A-Changin’… For Chipotle

The Daily Rail: Times They Are A-Changin’… For Chipotle

In today’s restaurant news: a fresh batch of memes, UK beer rationing, Chipotle is going through changes, and more!



The Daily Rail: Tip-Pooling More Problematic than Restaurants Realize

The Daily Rail: Tip-Pooling More Problematic than Restaurants Realize

In today’s restaurant news: The Easiest Way to Prepare an Order [Presented by Orderly], the biggest sporting events on the planet, the issues with tip-pooling, and more!

