Halloween has a very specific following. It is enormously beneficial to capitalize on this audience. This week we are highlighting some great content on social media both from Citizens of The Rail and big brands that used their creativity to their advantage.
Non-Citizens of The Rail
Tide’s #ScaredStainless (2013)
Vine became increasingly popular in 2013. Tide took this opportunity to make a parody of the terrifying 2002 film The Ring. They created this campaign for Halloween called #ScaredStainless
Oreo: Night of the Bitten Cookie (2013)
Oreo has proven to be social media royalty ever since the release of their 2013 Super Bowl blackout ad in record time #DunkInTheDark. Now they did not disappoint with a creative string of Vines including this one interpreting a cookie apocalypse.
Jack-o-lantern: Reese’s (2015)
Candy companies are busiest during the month of October. Reese’s is no different; they created this spooky video for Halloween that keeps everyone in the spirit!
Citizens of The Rail
TGIFridays posted this catchy Instagram video promoting their Halloween drink specials. There are quite a few scary movies we can assume they’re channeling here. Check out their vid!
Lavaca Street Bar
Most restaurants incorporate Halloween decorations into their décor. Lavaca Street Bar in Austin, TX took their #CreepyCrawlers to the next level with these pop-outs throughout their restaurant. Just make sure you don't choke on your food!
Shooter McGee's
What’s Halloween without jack-o-lanterns? Shooter McGee’s in Alexandria, VA posted this great picture of a carving fest featuring a bunch of happy pumpkins.
Old Chicago
Pumpkin Ale comes from pumpkins, right? Well Old Chicago Pub in Denver, CO thinks so! They posted this photo promoting their Happy Hour as well as their pumpkin flavored beers.