Netflix — Stories — The Rail


The Daily Rail: What the FDA Calorie Count Guidelines Mean to Craft Beer

The Daily Rail: What the FDA Calorie Count Guidelines Mean to Craft Beer

In today’s restaurant news: a fresh crop of memes, America’s favorite “Mexican” restaurant, what the FDA calorie count guidelines mean to craft beer, and more!



The Daily Rail: The Rise of the Boilermaker Could be an Opportunity for US Bars

The Daily Rail: The Rise of the Boilermaker Could be an Opportunity for US Bars

In today's restaurant news: a cast iron skillet hack, a White Castle employee channeling Walter White, a dill pickle slushie from Sonic, the rise of the boilermaker and more!



The Daily Rail: Brooklyn Restaurant Goes from Bullet Holes to a Viral Meme

The Daily Rail: Brooklyn Restaurant Goes from Bullet Holes to a Viral Meme

In today's restaurant-inspired news: How to build sports bar promotions that work, Netflix opens a pop-up weed shop, Starbucks caters to hearing impaired baristas, and a NY restaurant that's become a viral meme. 



The Daily Rail: Vegas Chefs Promise to Build a Wall... Of Taco Trucks

The Daily Rail: Vegas Chefs Promise to Build a Wall... Of Taco Trucks

In today's restaurant-inspired news: How to up your coffee game, pumpkin spice is making its way to shoes and a cringe-worthy video of illegally parking in a handicap space.  

