The Daily Rail: The most expensive cities (worldwide) to drink a beer [INFOGRAPHIC] — The Rail

The Daily Rail: The most expensive cities (worldwide) to drink a beer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Today's Specials


Bob's Burgers might take some dark commentary on the restaurant industry, but their chalkboard specials are deliciously hilarious (and sometimes straight up delicious). 

Why it’s important to you: Changes to the Facebook timeline algorithm will force you to find new ways to connect with your guests.

Last week Facebook announced they were changing the way they display content from Commercial Pages on follower’s timelines and giving preferred status to posts from friends and family. This means that if you want your content to show up on a follower’s time line you will now need to pay to promote it.

That’s why we are hosting our first ever Facebook Live session to share some great email marketing hacks. See what we did there…Facebook Live so we can show you how to use email to screw Facebook…funny, huh? It’ll take place on Wednesday, July 16th at 2:30pm ET on our Facebook page. Like us on Facebook to get a notification when we’re live. Until then, here are ways email beats Facebook when it comes to restaurant marketing.


If you find yourself on a business trip to Lausanne, Switzerland, you should think twice about charging an evening beer to your company. Eyebrows would be raised in accounting at a 33cl beer that costs $17.60. That's according to GoEuro who compared the price of local and imported draught beer in hotel bars to calculate a ranking of the most expensive beer prices in bars worldwide. If you fancy a cheap beer in Lausanne, you might be better off hitting one of the city's supermarkets where a 33cl bottle costs a mere $1.42 on average by comparison.

Infographic: The Most Expensive Cities Worldwide To Drink A Beer | Statista
You will find more statistics at Statista

WE’RE NUMBER ONE [Slideshow] released their picks for the top 20 US full-service restaurant chains. They were ranked based on three factors: sales, satisfaction and value. The list is a who’s who in chain restaurants, but most importantly four of those top 20 subscribe to The Rail. Congratulations to Buffalo Wild Wings (16), BJ’s Brewhouse (15), Yard House (12) and first place overall, Texas Roadhouse. We aren’t saying that subscribing to The Rail contributed, but it certainly doesn’t hurt…just sayin’. ;-)


Why it’s important to you: Police are here to protect us, when they are the target of violence we are all in much more danger.

Unthinkable violence exploded at the end of a peaceful and well-mannered protest in downtown Dallas last night, shocking attendees, the community and the entire country. When the smoke cleared, five police officers were killed and six others injured from the Dallas PD and the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) departments. This is the most deadly day for police since 70 officers perished on September 11, 2001 running into the World Trade Centers as citizens ran out. Undoubtedly, you will be inundated by the political side of this story all day. Your guests will be moved by it and your community will be discussing it.

For those of us that operate restaurants, the local police are a valuable community resource and any attack on them should feel personal. By all accounts, by both the protesters and police, the event was amicable. The PD was even tweeting encouragement of the protesters.

Then, when the violence suddenly broke out, the police did their job and took steps to protect the citizens attending the event before securing their own safety.

We won’t say much about the politics surrounding today’s review of what happened, that is for you to figure out on your own. However we will say this…All lives matter and the sooner we find a way to return to civility on both sides of the political spectrum we are in for more violence and tragedy.


Why it’s important to you: Chipotle just can’t get its poop together.

Yesterday there were two reports of food related illnesses blamed on a visit to Manhattan, NY Chipotle locations. One of those reports was made by Eric Von Lustbader, a well known author of thrillers like The Ninja and Jason Borne novels. He tweeted that his editor had been made ill after eating at Chipotle and then another individual claimed to be similar affected by a Chipotle meal.

The incredulity about this is less directed at Chipotle than what has happened to their reputation over the past year and a half. Given what we know about foodborne illness and how long it takes to incubate, it’s as likely that these folks were made ill by something in their own kitchen as any other cause. People eat three times a day and while Chipotle is popular, I’m guessing these folks didn’t eat every meal there. The reality is that once you have damaged your reputation as badly as Chipotle has, you may be blamed for any manner of atrocity. Did I just see a tweet claiming that Chipotle shot JFK?

