
The Daily Rail: Are you thinking like a restaurant investor?

The Daily Rail: Are you thinking like a restaurant investor?

Today's restaurant-inspired news: A Chicago bar is selling anti-Trump beer, how leftovers are helping solve crimes, and are you looking at your business from the point of view of a restaurant investor?



The Daily Rail: It's not all fire & brimstone for indie operators

The Daily Rail: It's not all fire & brimstone for indie operators

Today's restaurant-inspired news: It's not all bad news for the restaurant industry, why Millennials may dictate your bathroom policy, and a new poll - are culinary schools worth the investment?



The Daily Rail: #InstagramStories perfect for restaurant marketing

The Daily Rail: #InstagramStories perfect for restaurant marketing

Today's restaurant-inspired news: #InstagramStories is ripe for restaurant social media marketing efforts, Sweetgreens restaurant goes cashless, and a fake government official almost caused a lot of trouble for Hooters.



The Daily Rail: What RNC & DNC attendees searched for on Yelp

The Daily Rail: What RNC & DNC attendees searched for on Yelp

Today's restaurant-inspired news: You'll get a kick out of what RNC & DNC attendees were searching for on Yelp, three tips for improving your social media plan, and food get a little bathroom humor injection.



The Daily Rail: Why do we suck when it's five minutes to close?

The Daily Rail: Why do we suck when it's five minutes to close?

Today's top restaurant news: why do we give so poor service with five minutes to close, restaurants have no excuse for not donating surplus food, and why restaurant employees & political opinions don't mix well on the job.



The Daily Rail: Three recent stories that show that leadership matters

The Daily Rail: Three recent stories that show that leadership matters

Today's restaurant-inspired news revolve around the vital importance of solid leadership. See what the RIO Olympics, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's resignation, and American voter hypocrisy tell us about leadership in restaurants.



The Daily Rail: Finding the next hot neighborhood is a path to success

The Daily Rail: Finding the next hot neighborhood is a path to success

Today's restaurant-inspired news: Tips for finding the next hot restaurant spot, how do you balance an employee's poor behavior with great performance, and hackers are looking at restaurant websites to hack into large corporations.

