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10 Fresh Restaurant Marketing Ideas for the New Year

10 Fresh Restaurant Marketing Ideas for the New Year

A new year means new restaurant marketing opportunities. Here are 10 fresh restaurant marketing ideas, including restaurant social media strategies, live restaurant video, contests, and more!



The Daily Rail: The DNC puts $15/hr minimum wage on their platform

The Daily Rail: The DNC puts $15/hr minimum wage on their platform

Today's restaurant-inspired news: The DNC puts $15/hr minimum wage on their platform, the do's and don'ts of doing business in a bar, and the political discourse in the US gets violent.



The Daily Rail: The huge 'race pay gap' in the restaurant industry

The Daily Rail: The huge 'race pay gap' in the restaurant industry

Today's top restaurant news: There's a huge racial pay gap in the restaurant industry, why bars & restaurants should look into using Facebook Live, and do restaurant mobile apps really help build business?



The Daily Rail: Engage your restaurant's guests with Facebook LIVE

The Daily Rail: Engage your restaurant's guests with Facebook LIVE

Today's top restaurant news: Restaurants are starting to see the marketing benefit of using Facebook LIVE, Net Neutrality has become a utility, and ESPN wades back into the waters of eSport broadcasting.

