The Daily Rail: Engage your restaurant's guests with Facebook LIVE — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Engage your restaurant's guests with Facebook LIVE



If you are an apple phone user, you will finally be able to delete the preinstalled apps that were previously un-removable. Starting with the release of IOS10 in the fall, all those apps (like Compass or Podcasts) will be eligible for deletion. You can see confirmation of that fact because they are now all showing up in the app store, presumably so you can reinstall them when you realize how much you miss not using them!


Despite the stereotype of being selfie-loving foodies, just 22% of Millennials say they usually post pictures of food on social media when visiting restaurants. Meanwhile, more than a third of Millennials (37%) strongly agree that loyalty and reward programs encourage them to visit specific restaurants over others.

Today's Special

Under 60 Seconds: Are Paid Sick Leave policies good for restaurants? [VIDEO]

Paid Sick Leave (PSL) is a standard benefit in most industries but still isn't mainstream in the restaurant industry. But are PSL policies good for restaurants? We look at a sample PSL law and it's effects on the city's restaurants, all under one minute.


Why it’s important to you: Facebook Live is a great new way to engage guests

You may not realize this but your guests are really interested in the inner workings of your restaurant. With Facebook Live you can share live video of those insider moments and really engage your social media audience. Big brands like IHOP and Dunkin Donuts are using FB Live to show their followers the behind the scenes and entertaining videos of their products. 

IHOP placed three stacks of their pancakes on a table at a beautiful beach. The videos attracted 385,000 views. Equally as valuable were the comments about the video which proved viewers were engaged and interested. For Dunkin Donuts, they went behind the kitchen door and previewed their culinary team preparing a cool cake from heart shaped donuts for Valentine’s Day.

You may not fully realize this, but you host a phenomenal reality show in your restaurants every day. How easy would it be to use Facebook Live to show the specials daily as you describe them for your staff during a pre-shift meeting, or live stream a bartender preparing a specialty cocktail? Facebook Live requires no special tools, preparation or design. It relies on what’s happening in your restaurant and guests being fascinated by it. If you need a better explanation of Facebook Live, check our this one from Entrepreneur Magazine and this one from a media company that specializes in new media.


Why it’s important to you: The Internet has become a utility and this ruling makes that clear to those that provide access to it

Have you heard the term Net Neutrality? It is the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. In a big win for the Obama Administration, a Federal Appeal’s court upheld the FCC’s Rules precluding big Internet Service Providers (ISP) like Comcast and Verizon from differentiating between client services based on their willingness to pay for an advantage.

Without Net Neutrality, your website wouldn’t load as fast as, say, Netflix or Amazon. The real heart of the ruling declares the FCC can regulate these ISPs as if they were a utility. This is also important because it may slow or stop the effort to institute metered usage for home internet users (think in terms of a mobile data plan, but for your house or business). The ruling applies equally to mobile and fixed location carriers, and insures that this most basic aspect of a modern life will remain a regulated service.


Why it’s important to you: ESPN broadcasting eSports means you should recognize the opportunities they present for promotions/events in your location

Last night ESPN once again waded into the world of eSports by airing this year’s Madden 16 Championship. They have had mixed results in the past, but with other major networks like TBS including eSports in their regular lineups, ESPN is not giving up. Market estimates calculate brands will spend upwards of $325 Million to sponsor or advertise in the segment this year. That is a 49% increase and will likely surpass $1 Billion by 2019.

To be direct, this phenomenon is not going away. Why not acknowledge and embrace it at the same time. Certainly, we should make the content available for viewing when guests visit, but there is an equal opportunity to host an event at your venue. You have plenty of TVs and the equipment isn’t that expensive. Run a mid-week tournament offering prizes and awards for those that participate. Madden is certainly an easy place to start given that traditional sports fans can watch it and understand the action. If you have some success with that, then you can add more sophisticated competitions. Unless you are the exception, you aren’t as busy on Tuesday as on Saturday. So try leveraging eSports to fill some seats and have some fun.


Why it’s important to you: A Las Vegas based NHL team is a first for professional sports

Professional sports has always shied away from America’s gambling capital, but it appears that finally an league has approved a franchise in Sin City. The traditional rhetoric decried the corrupting influence and potential for players to get in with the ‘wrong’ crowd. Well, the NHL has said hello to Las Vegas and is confirming reports that their Board of Governors will approve the Las Vegas bid of businessman Bill Foley. It doesn’t hurt that Foley appears ready to pay $500 million dollars for his franchise fee. The team will reside at the brand new T-Mobile arena and begin play in the 2017-2018 season. 

