holiday season — Stories — The Rail

holiday season

The Growing Trend of Holiday Food Deliveries

The Growing Trend of Holiday Food Deliveries

Restaurant delivery the week of and on Christmas day is growing at in accelerated pace. Here's what operators can learn from the growing desire to order-in from restaurants.



The Daily Rail: Why Selling Gift Cards is a Sound Restaurant Marketing Strategy

The Daily Rail: Why Selling Gift Cards is a Sound Restaurant Marketing Strategy

In today’s restaurant news: the Fight for $15 hasn’t hurt NYC’s restaurant scene, McD’s enters the chicken sandwich war, why restaurant’s should sell gift certificates this holiday season, and more!



The Daily Rail: How's Your Restaurant's Holiday Marketing Shaping Up?

The Daily Rail: How's Your Restaurant's Holiday Marketing Shaping Up?

In today’s restaurant news: why operators need to protect their restaurant from cybercrime, is the NBA’s proposed schedule overhaul what sports bars need, why restaurants should start their holiday marketing, and more!



The Daily Rail: The Holidays Are a Perfect Time for Restaurant Staff Morale & Team Building

The Daily Rail: The Holidays Are a Perfect Time for Restaurant Staff Morale & Team Building

In today's restaurant news: restaurant marketing trends to leverage, the 15th anniversary of ‘The Restaurant’ reality TV series, why the holiday season is the perfect time to boost restaurant staff morale and team building, and more!



The Daily Rail: Time to Start Planning for the Post-Holiday Sales Slump

The Daily Rail: Time to Start Planning for the Post-Holiday Sales Slump

In today’s restaurant news: Shaq’s Big Chicken hits the high seas, Pap John franchises are at odds with their parent company, now’s the time for restaurant to prep for the post-holiday sales slump, and more!



The Daily Rail: It's Time to Prep for the Holidays.. Yea, We Know...

The Daily Rail: It's Time to Prep for the Holidays.. Yea, We Know...

In today’s restaurant news: a restaurant operator says meeting with Trump cost his business 40% in sales, why retail prepping for the holiday season now is bad for restaurants, revolutionizing your tabletop strategy, and more!



Do You Match Up to These Holiday-Ready Restaurants?

Do You Match Up to These Holiday-Ready Restaurants?

Some restaurants see a spike in sales over the holiday season whereas some see the opposite. One thing that’s hard to ignore and can help bring people to your establishment are the holiday-themed decorations. Here are some restaurants with their holiday décor on full blast. You decide who wins! 

