The Daily Rail: Is Your Restaurant Ready to Rock the 12 Cocktails of Christmas? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Is Your Restaurant Ready to Rock the 12 Cocktails of Christmas?

PODCAST: How Can Sports Bars Market More Around Sports?

Sports bars are a dime a dozen these days and many are struggling. Being seen as the best is paramount to success. In this podcast, you’ll learn how you and your team can better market your bar around what your guests really want – a great sports-viewing experience.


What’s America Snacking On?

Snacking is an All-American pastime. And it's the salty snacks, like potato chips or meat nibbles, reigning supreme with Americans looking to satisfy their cravings. Sweets are the second most cherished munchies. Cheese is doing well too. According to market researcher Nielsen, some $27 billion were generated in snack sales in one year, ending in April 2017. 

Infographic: What's America Snacking On? | Statista You will find more statistics at Statista

Bad Boys, Bad Boys

The NYPD Union has lifted its boycott of Dunking Donuts after the chain apologized (again). The boycott began after two plainclothes officers claimed a DD barista refused them service, saying they “don’t serve cops.” The franchise owner apologized, but NYPD Union prez decided the apology wasn’t enough. DD recently took out a full-page ad apologizing, spurring the NYPD Union to end its four-month boycott.

Space Pizza!

Ever wonder how astronauts make and eat pizza while in space? Wonder no longer. Here’s a cool video of ISS astronauts enjoying a few slices. If only pizza floated into our mouths, too.


Why it matters to you: Mark the holiday season with better spirits.

The holidays can be a busy time for most operators. People are out and about, and we find our restaurants filled up on mid-week nights with folks celebrating or taking a break from shopping. That’s why it’s a perfect time to show off your restaurant’s quality when you are experiencing the increased traffic. There are a lot of ways to do that, but, in general, the holidays are a time for cocktails. As you know from reading The Daily Rail, we don’t often offer drink recipes or suggestions for your bar menu, but this time of year creates its own unique opportunity to consider some fun drink promotions.

The folks at Nightclub & Bar posted a blog describing three drink promotions that work for the holidays. While the quality of these promotions will depend on your theme and guest demographics, it’s still a good idea to consider some fun ways to package drinks during this festive season.

One of the ideas was a simply 12 Cocktails of Christmas. The obvious meme to the Christmas song is a perfect way to get guests into the spirit (pun intended). Pick 12 great drinks and print a quick menu card that can be handed to guests and delivered with the menus. This is an opportunity to sell premium cocktails when guests are far more likely to spend a few extra bucks on themselves. So, make the holiday season fly with some of these fun promotions ideas for your location.


Why it matters to you: Good corporate accountability is your responsibility.

Most folks in our industry are familiar with McCormick and their various spices and other foodservice products. What you may not be familiar with is their commitment to being a positive force in the lives of anyone they intersect with, and to lead when it comes to sustainability and transparence. These are very esoteric conversations about being open about motivation, action and intent as a company, so that vendors, customers, and your team can know your values.

Giving your company’s identity, a purpose is the highest expression of great leadership. It recognizes that you are more than just a money-making enterprise and that you have defined multiple ways you interact with the many communities to which you belong. By taking the time to define those values and share them with your constituency, you are separating yourself from the pack as a community contributor, great place to work, and responsible corporate citizen.

Why not host a meeting with influencers on your staff, regular guests and key vendors to explore defining your own purpose? If all you get is a better sense of how those folks perceive you, it would be worth it. However, you can also set yourself on a path that could dramatically change your business for the better. Wouldn’t that be a great way to end 2017?

