Bad service — Stories — The Rail

Bad service

The Daily Rail: When Your Restaurant's Staff Fails, Operators are the Ones Who Pay

The Daily Rail: When Your Restaurant's Staff Fails, Operators are the Ones Who Pay

In today’s restaurant news: how to go the distance in the restaurant industry, how Red Lobster has bounced back with it’s ‘people first’ management approach, why it’s restaurant operators who pay when staff fail, and more!



Operators Beware: Choose Your Third-Party Delivery Service Partner Wisely

Operators Beware: Choose Your Third-Party Delivery Service Partner Wisely

Online delivery is the future of restaurant’s business, but operators should choose their third-party delivery service partner wisely. If your delivery partner can’t do it’s job, it’ll hurt your restaurant’s reputation.



The Daily Rail: Lack of Civility is Rotting Away the Restaurant Industry

The Daily Rail: Lack of Civility is Rotting Away the Restaurant Industry

In today’s restaurant news: how sports-themed restaurants can start new fan club chapters to bring in new guests, how a lack of decency is killing the restaurant industry, and ways to combat the oversaturation of the restaurant industry.



The Daily Rail: Restaurant Guest Dress Code Policies Need Careful Thought Before Implementation

The Daily Rail: Restaurant Guest Dress Code Policies Need Careful Thought Before Implementation

In today’s restaurant news: Dunkin’ Donuts new nail polish line, what the resurgence of Buffalo Wild Wings means for sports bars, how strict dress code policies get restaurants in trouble, and more!



The Daily Rail: Are Extraordinary Expenses a Reason for an Ordinary Surcharge?

The Daily Rail: Are Extraordinary Expenses a Reason for an Ordinary Surcharge?

In today’s restaurant news: how to build the ultimate gameday menu, We Work introduced a food labs for foodservice startups, should restaurants include surcharges for ordinary business expenses, and more!



The Daily Rail: Is It a Good Idea to Wittily Rebuke Negative Restaurant Reviewers?

The Daily Rail: Is It a Good Idea to Wittily Rebuke Negative Restaurant Reviewers?

In today’s restaurant news: why you should handle your restaurant’s staff with some compassion, tips for improved restaurant cashflow, handing negative restaurant reviews, and more!

