Alcohol Safety Training — Stories — The Rail

Alcohol Safety Training

Planning Year-Round Training to Improve Restaurant Operations

Planning Year-Round Training to Improve Restaurant Operations

Regular staff training ensures your team is equipped to handle a fast-paced restaurant environment and the challenges that come with it, deliver exceptional service, and adapt to evolving industry trends to stay competitive. Here’s how to plan training year round.



What ‘The Woods’ Lawsuit Can Teach Restaurant Operators About Safe Alcohol Training

What ‘The Woods’ Lawsuit Can Teach Restaurant Operators About Safe Alcohol Training

The lawsuit against Tiger Woods and The Woods Jupiter is a stark reminder to bar & restaurant owners why it’s important that their staff is safe alcohol training certified from programs like 2Cool Server Training.



INFOGRAPHIC: How Does Your Restaurant's Alcohol Safety Training Program Stack Up?

INFOGRAPHIC: How Does Your Restaurant's Alcohol Safety Training Program Stack Up?

Having an alcohol license is a big deal for restaurants but it's also a big responsibility. Here's how bar & restaurant operators are setting up their restaurant's alcohol safety training program. How do you stack up?

