2CoolServer Training

What ‘The Woods’ Lawsuit Can Teach Restaurant Operators About Safe Alcohol Training

What ‘The Woods’ Lawsuit Can Teach Restaurant Operators About Safe Alcohol Training

The lawsuit against Tiger Woods and The Woods Jupiter is a stark reminder to bar & restaurant owners why it’s important that their staff is safe alcohol training certified from programs like 2Cool Server Training.



Protect Your Guests & Your Restaurant with Safe Alcohol Training

Protect Your Guests & Your Restaurant with Safe Alcohol Training

In the restaurant & bar industry, overserving alcohol to a guest can land restaurants in hot water. Protect your guests and your business by putting your staff through server safe alcohol training programs.



Encourage learning opportunities & industry certifications [Hack #063]

Encourage learning opportunities & industry certifications [Hack #063]

One of the best ways to win the War for Talent is showing that you're interested in your staff's continual improvement. This is easily done by facilitating additional education and certifications.

