The Daily Rail: The Department of Labor Publishes New Overtime Pay Guidelines — The Rail

The Daily Rail: The Department of Labor Publishes New Overtime Pay Guidelines

STAFF: 4 Ways to Find Managers Who Are Driven by Achievement

Hiring the right people with the right motives (such as achievement) means better retention rates, stronger brand ambassadors inside your restaurant, and consistency in your brand’s presentation both online and offline. It’s even more challenging to find such employees in managerial positions, due to the scope of responsibility in leadership roles. As varied as the tactics to find them can be, there are certain golden rules that are common for all industries seeking to fill these positions. Here are a few to keep in mind.


Countries with the Best Work-Life Balance

People in the Netherlands enjoy the best work-life balance, according to the OECD's "Better Life Index." Its authors note that "evidence suggests that long work hours may impair personal health, jeopardize safety and increase stress." In the Netherlands, only 0.4% of employees work very long hours (50+ hours a week), the third-lowest rate in the OECD, where the average is 11%. In comparison, 11.1% of American employees work very long hours.

Infographic: The Countries With the Best Work-Life Balance | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

News Consumption

According to data published in the Reuters Institute’s Digital News Report, there is a generational divide when it comes to news consumption. While the large majority of those who grew up with the internet see it as their most important news source (and are accessing it primarily through their smartphones), those who for decades relied on TV news still tend to prefer the television over online channels.

Infographic: The Generational Divide in News Consumption | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Dish Drops Fox, FS1/FS2 & BTN

Dish Network is also in the middle of a carriage battle, and they’re upping the ante. They’ve dropped Fox, FS1, FS2 and BTN. This also effects Dish-owned Sling TV. Over the summer, Dish/Sling also had dropped Fox RSNs to pressure negotiations.


Why it matters to you: The Department of Labor (DoL) has finally published new overtime pay guidelines.

It may feel like this story has been going on for a while, but that’s only because it has. The first time we discussed a revision of the overtime rules for salaried employees was in May of 2016. That was when the Obama Administration DoL, released a proposal to raise the overtime exemption for salaried employees from $23,660 to $47,476. That increase was proposed, but in process when the transition of power was made from Obama to Trump, that guideline was quickly reversed, and a new public comment and guidance process was launched. Well, the anguish of not knowing how overtime will change is finally over as the DoL finally announced their rules for salaried overtime exemption. 

They arrived at a compromise that won’t likely change many of your approaches to management staffing. The new rules require that anyone making less than $35,568 annually be paid overtime for work done over 40 hours. That corresponds to an hourly rate of $12.43 on an assumed 50 hour work week. It goes up a little if you assume a 45 hours work week, to $14.40/hour. If you are in any urban setting you aren’t likely finding quality managers for under $35k annually, consequently this won’t impact you at all. However, if you are in an ex-urban or rural setting this may end up forcing you to pay your managers an hourly wage in order to maintain your labor budget. But no matter how you approach it, this is good news that the number was moderated and the disruption will likely be pain free for most restaurant operators, fortunately. 

[Source: Restaurant Business Online]


Why it matters to you: Depending on how cheeky you are this could be a fun promotion.

We write our Monday newsletter on Friday, so heaven knows what crazy political nonsense you are waking up to this morning. Given the uncertainty and instability in our government these days, you might want to just take a break and have a glass of wine. Good idea, but deciding what goes with crisis or scandal can be a daunting affair. As Republicans and Democrats square off in their petty little games, it’s time we created some official pairings you can offer your guests as they navigate the impeachment process. That’s where the ladies from the Belladonna Company have published their recommendations on what to drink in every impeachment scenario.

In general, we thought their insights had merit, but some of their pairings were better than others. Our favorite was pairing thin-skinned grapes of Merlot with Sharing Classified Information, just like all the parties participating in our totally screwy government these days. However, to us the winner is Shiraz served with a dose of Obstruction of Justice. What better combination than keeping your opponents in the dark about your activities than this inky black new world wonder wine? All cheek aside, there’s no shame in needing some wine to cope with the craziness our current political climate is creating. But if you have the courage why not create an Impeachment Menu. Be sure to make fun of both Liberals and Conservatives equally and pair some drinks to it. You’ve got a shot at going viral and driving some real traffic to watch this craziness unfold. IMHO.

[Source: The Belladona]

