Have a Phone Charging Station at the End of the Bar [Hack #101] — The Rail

Have a Phone Charging Station at the End of the Bar [Hack #101]

Keep your guests' phones & glasses full

The average American spends roughly 2.7 hours a day socializing on their smartphone. More importantly, did you know that 43% of users are willing to give up beer for a smartphone?

As restaurant operators, this is information that we need to be aware of.

One way to keep bar goers drinking and mingling longer is to create a custom cell phone charging station at the end of the bar. This can be beneficial for your establishment on multiple levels. Not only will it keep your guests from the dreaded 1% power level, but it is also catering the next level of service they’re searching for.

The price of a charging station ranges from $25-$30 for a general power station but can get up to as much as $115 for more advanced technology. Some restaurants have created makeshift charging stations from wood, baskets, or just a blank shelf.

 This trick will also solve the problem of the hostess stashing random phones behind the podium. Overall, the addition will end up paying for itself.

Also, your hostesses will thank you. 

If you’re looking for a funny alternative: Try this.

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