Make a server book a mini-expediter [Hack #037] — The Rail

Make a server book a mini-expediter [Hack #037]

Be a first line of defense against errors

Ticket times, speed of service and product standards are in large part controlled by the expediter in your restaurant. However, your servers can manage their own checks with a super simple method that insures they avoid service errors on guest food. 

Instruct your servers to order their checks oldest to newest in their check books. If food from a check not on top is delivered, it’s a red flag. It may be a well-done steak, but it could also be a lost check. This truly simple alert insures that a guest meal only goes one check deep before the server can alert someone.

If a problem exists you can get ahead of it and visit the table to reassure the guest. The expo has a lot of power in your restaurant, and having an independent check on turn out performance just makes sense.

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