Obtain honest guest feedback: Observe first, ask second [SPONSORED HACK] — The Rail

Obtain honest guest feedback: Observe first, ask second [SPONSORED HACK]

Restaurant hack provided by Upserve

Getting feedback is as easy as 1, 2, 3...

On an average night, how many tables would you say your restaurant turns? Every single table, every guest at that table, is an opportunity to make observations that can provide powerful feedback without a single word spoken.

Here are some examples to get you thinking about what you might be able to observe:

  • Empty plates = delicious food
  • “No, thank you, I don’t want leftovers,” could indicate the guest was unhappy with their meal.
  • “My meal was OK, thank you.” Food is meant to be descriptive and exciting. If you overhear a server getting a response like that, you may want to follow up.
  • Tick tock. Tapping feet and a table full of hungry guests could indicate the kitchen is backed up and they’re not happy about it.

Body language, and your ability to read it, is huge at this step. Through careful observation, you can make your way to step two — getting honest guest feedback.

This is only one step of several for securing real and usable feedback from your guests. Check out this blog from our friends at Upserve on a few more ways you can ensure you are hearing your guests loud and clear.

Got a cool restaurant hack of your own? Let us know!

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