Save Guest, Staff Headaches by Offering Restaurant Check Splitting [Hack #113] — The Rail

Save Guest & Staff Headaches and Offer Check Splitting [Hack #113]

Here are some tips to make restaurant check splitting an easier process for guests & staff.

“Can we get individual checks, please?”

Eating out at restaurants is a social occasion and more and more patrons are going cashless. This is a recipe for headaches when the bill comes and guests want to split the check. Do these three things to make the experience better for guests and far less disruptive for your staff. 

  1. Start by asking up front if the group wants their check split or individual checks. This makes it clear that you are willing to do it and allows the server to take steps to simplify the check separation process.

  2. Make sure you are up front about any policy directives that might impact the guests’ check. For example, if you have an automatic gratuity on parties over a certain number, you MUST make the table aware. This will eliminate a pain point later and set the guests’ expectations of how the process will work.

  3. Keep the check together until the prior to delivering it. This will ensure that the orders are fulfilled together, but direct your servers to mark them by individual or sub-check. Just use the modifiers in your POS to note who ordered an item and then follow those notes to split the check. It will make the split process much easier

By offering this simple accommodation, you’ll improve the overall guest experience. No one wants to go to a restaurant where paying their bill is a drawn-out process. So, win some easy points with check splitting. 

