The Daily Rail: Restaurant Sued for Not Hiring ‘Old White Guys’

The Daily Rail: Restaurant Sued for Not Hiring ‘Old White Guys’

In today’s restaurant news: You can’t afford to avoid managing your food costs [Presented by Orderly], José Andrés talks running for Congress, The Seasons 52 restaurant chain sued for age discrimination, and more!



The Daily Rail: This Restaurant App Makes Dine & Dash Acceptable

The Daily Rail: This Restaurant App Makes Dine & Dash Acceptable

In today's restaurant news: best practices to control your restaurant labor costs, Amazon streams the UFC, Dine & Dash app looks to make restaurant mobile payment painless, and more.



The Daily Rail: Chipotle execs sued for insider trading

The Daily Rail: Chipotle execs sued for insider trading

Today's restaurant-inspired news: Chipotle sued for insider trading, the UFC gets sold, McDonald's goes to war with SEIU, and even the NRA thinks Trumps pro-gun in bars idea is a bad idea.

