Restaurant Closings — Stories — The Rail

Restaurant Closings

Our 2022 Restaurant Industry Predictions

Our 2022 Restaurant Industry Predictions

It’s been a helluva 12 months full of ups and downs. So what does 2022 mean for the restaurant industry? We take our stab at three predictions for the industry and how restaurants can adapt to a quickly changing landscape.



The Daily Rail: How to Survive Closing Your Restaurant for Good

The Daily Rail: How to Survive Closing Your Restaurant for Good

In today’s restaurant news: how sports bars can bring in business during the slow nights, Batali’s restaurant group under close scrutiny, how to make closing your restaurant for good a less terrible experience, and more!



The Daily Rail: How the 'Fair Warning Act' Would Effect the Restaurant Industry

The Daily Rail: How the 'Fair Warning Act' Would Effect the Restaurant Industry

In today’s restaurant news: how to win new restaurant business with email marketing tactics, the moral of the Starbucks ‘PIG’ debacle, how the ‘Fair Warning Act’ would affect the restaurant industry, and more!



The Daily Rail: Are Restaurants Doing Enough with Their Promotions?

The Daily Rail: Are Restaurants Doing Enough with Their Promotions?

In today’s restaurant news: Surf & Turf Wars and Insanely Awesome Fire Display [Presented by CHIVE TV], alcohol vs exercise, examining restaurants & their promotions, and more!



The Daily Rail: Has Your Restaurant Ditched Salt & Pepper Shakers?

The Daily Rail: Has Your Restaurant Ditched Salt & Pepper Shakers?

In today’s restaurant news: How to Make the Easy f’real Acai Bowl [Sponsored by f’real], Wisconsin’s drinking problem, restaurants are ditching salt & pepper shakers, and more!

