Store Closures — Stories — The Rail

Store Closures

The Daily Rail: Restaurants Have Options During this Coronavirus Crisis

The Daily Rail: Restaurants Have Options During this Coronavirus Crisis

In today’s restaurant news: how will the coronavirus pandemic end for the restaurant industry, workers could lose $3.4 trillion in income this year, restaurants have options they can go through before laying off staff, and more.



The Daily Rail: How the 'Fair Warning Act' Would Effect the Restaurant Industry

The Daily Rail: How the 'Fair Warning Act' Would Effect the Restaurant Industry

In today’s restaurant news: how to win new restaurant business with email marketing tactics, the moral of the Starbucks ‘PIG’ debacle, how the ‘Fair Warning Act’ would affect the restaurant industry, and more!



The Daily Rail: You’re Not Crazy, There’s Been a Spike in Online Restaurant Reviews This Year

The Daily Rail: You’re Not Crazy, There’s Been a Spike in Online Restaurant Reviews This Year

In today’s restaurant news: The Tool You Need to Keep Your Customers Coming Back [Promoted by CHIVE TV], a World Cup drinking game, the spike in online restaurant reviews, and more!

