The Daily Rail: You’re Not Crazy, There’s Been a Spike in Online Restaurant Reviews This Year — The Rail

The Daily Rail: You’re Not Crazy, There’s Been a Spike in Online Restaurant Reviews This Year

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World Cup Drinking Game

Soccer might not be the high scoring affair of football, basketball, baseball and (sometimes) hockey, but it still has amazing energy in its back-and-forth play. However, that doesn’t mean that watching the game can’t have their own mini-games. Here’s how to turn the World Cup into a drinking game.

Visit our 2018 International Soccer Central guide to download the Group Play’s TV schedule and build some awesome traffic-driving soccer promotions.

Renewables Gain

Donald Trump resigned from the Paris Climate Agreement almost a year ago and recently ordered Energy Secretary Rick Perry to subsidize coal and nuclear power plants. However, Trump’s coal-friendly policies do not seem to match the energy consumption trends in the United States. Here’s the energy consumption trends for the G7 for the past year.

Infographic: G7 Countries Consume More Renewable Energy | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Cash Only

Fresh Off the Boat author and chef-restaurateur Eddie Huang is working on a new TV series called Cash Only. The show will focus on the food of immigrants in America, similarly to another food-TV show, No Passport Required, which we wrote about yesterday. Huang hopes to bridge the divide between US citizens and the immigrant.


Why it matters to you: Data shows a large spike in online reviews this year.

Ever since food critics and reviewers have become a thing, people have fantasized themselves to be more of a food critic than they actually are (actually are meaning they aren’t – at least professionally). Review websites like Yelp can do some positives for the industry but with the good comes the bad and these platforms can have some truly awful and unfair results if left unchecked. According to a new report, there’s been an apparently large spike in online reviews paired with the rollout of a new popular dishes feature on Yelp

The “popular dish” feature ranks menu items based on Yelp reviews, photographs and mentions, and displays in order with the item’s name and price. Yelp’s putting a lot of weight on the food photos part of the feature, ranking the pics by “how beautiful we think they are.” Of course, an AI is doing the aesthetic judging and ranking, trying to add objectivity to a pretty subjective idea. This does, however, highlight the importance of photos in diner’s purchasing decisions and will no doubt put a little added pressure on teams to plate amazing looking meals.



Why it matters to you: Starbucks is struggling and the reasons why can teach us something.

Starbucks has had a rollercoaster of a year for numerous reasons but their newest installment is their plan to close around 150 underperforming stores paired with their stock plunging around 9% this past Wednesday. Ouch. Starbucks has cited several root issues including too many locations (14,000 in the U.S.), too much competition, higher costs, and bad PR. 

So why does any of this matter to all of us? Their issues are something we can/do all face at any scale really. The booming increase of new restaurants popping up is making it hard for any of us to staff properly, find good help, or retain the good ones. Not to mention new concepts coming out all of the time means an oversaturated market and makes differentiating ourselves extremely difficult. 

Starbucks’ struggle with having too many locations can be scaled down to the indie level as well. Overextending too fast or trying to set up shop in a saturated area kills smaller restaurants and if we aren’t more careful that will take more of us out. Better to thoroughly plan and do it when the time is right than pulling the trigger too early and ending up having to shutter both locations. We could go on and on and on, but use this giant’s struggles as a cautionary tale for us smaller guys. It could pay off.

