The Daily Rail: Is Your Restaurant Overlooking the Business Demographic? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Is Your Restaurant Overlooking the Business Demographic?

TECHNOLOGY: Restaurant Inventory Technology Can Change Your Life [Presented by Orderly]

You've modernized your entire restaurant, so why are you still doing inventory counts by hand? That process takes hours and hours, and leaves you with numbers that are far from accurate. It's time to invest in restaurant inventory technology. But, you don't want to just go with the first software you find. Take the time to analyze what solution will work best for your restaurant.Our checklist is designed to walk you through all the questions you need to ask yourself to ensure you're choosing the right tech.


Paid Vacation in Perspective

Europeans should spare a thought for workers in the United States. While people in Spain and France hit the beaches en massefor weeks on end during the summer, odds are that most Americans who aren't self-employed will still be stuck at their desks. The U.S. is still the only advanced economy that does not guarantee paid vacation. Even though some companies do gift their employees up to 15 paid days off per year, nearly one in four private-sector workers does not receive any paid vacation time, according to the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Ouch.

Infographic: Vacation: Americans Get A Raw Deal | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

RIP Rivalry Night

The NHL & NBC are moving away from “Wednesday Night Rivalry” and instead will focus on the league’s stars, smaller-markets and Canadian teams. Considering 90% of the “rivalry night” matchups were anything up rivalries, this is gonna sound like a good move to hockey fans. It’s also a stark contrast to the other pro-leagues that are in favor of beating the same faces/teams into your viewing schedule over and over and over again.

Falling Behind

While Twitter has a loyal and active community of users and Snapchat is very popular among teenagers, both platforms have struggled to really break through to the mainstream the way Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp have done. As the following chart illustrates, both platforms are growing significantly slower than Facebook's line of social media apps. Something to keep in mind when deciding where to put most of your social media marketing efforts.

Infographic: Competition Leaves Snapchat and Twitter Behind | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: Good vibes and great tips.

Memes and Internet challenges rarely mean anything for our industry beyond a potential headache or a song getting stuck in our heads before a shift…Until now. One of the newest challenges trending is the #TiptheBillChallenge. Diners are attempting to pay it forward by tipping 100% of their bill to their servers, leading to some very surprised and happy waitstaff. What a great surprise to walk into! 

No idea how long this trend will actually last, but our fingers are crossed that some of our friends and your employees feel the love for sure. We have talked about the flaws of tipping and tipped-servers consistently but it is really hard to find a negative when this is happening. You may even want to talk about this trend with your followers on social if one of your staff is fortunate enough to get hit by this trend. This is the most surefire turn your day around “challenge” we can remember and our hats are off to whomever started it. Awesome!

[Source: Eater]



Why it matters to you: For many restaurants business-related diners are a huge demographic.

We all know the business lunch or dinner crowd, but they are a hugely underrated and underappreciated crowd in our industry. It is like you are sending in a group of chaperoned adults with a close to unlimited budget. They come in and insist everyone gets a high ticket item for their entrée, order several appetizers, great wine or beer, and generally tip well -- all in the spirit of shaking hands and kissing whatever babies they need to for whatever deal or account they need to please. They also tend to be a quick cover on the lunch side of things, so servers generally never mind this crowd.

So why don’t we ever show this demographic more love? If your establishment is anywhere near businesses (duh), we are positive that these diners most likely make your lunch numbers what they need to be all on their own. This group is consistent and that is what we need when running an establishment AND they spend some damn money. If you haven’t yet, start looking for ways to market to the business lunch crowd. Reach out to your local businesses. Offer business deal packages to entice the through your door. Show them why they should wine & dine their next account at your place and you’ve opened a whole new world of business for your restaurant.                                                   

[Source: QSR-Magazine]

