The Daily Rail: Are Sports Bars Dead? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Are Sports Bars Dead?

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Today's Specials: 


BUSINESS: Are Sports Bars Dead?

By now you’ve heard how full-service restaurants are suffering in the new economy, as consumer tastes shift away from the dining experience and focus more on value/convenience. Well, one writer from takes the sports bar segment to task for not keeping up with the times.

From stale menu offerings to décor that looks out of time, this piece reminds us that we may be too familiar with our surroundings, and you can infer it’s time to really change our ways. How is the question, but for now read the reasons why so you can better understand the how.

And let us know what you think!



NFL Unity Ad

In the heat of the #TakeAKnee controversy, ESPN and other NFL TV partners will air a national anthem unity ad during its Monday Night Football broadcast. This comes at a time when the NFL is at the center of backlash from President Trump over American values. The ad is intended to send a message to the divided football viewers as well as the current administration. Check it out here.

Clown Delivery

The new Stephan King movie It is in theaters, so the public now has an unnecessarily creepy fascination with clowns. A Texas doughnut shop is offering a two-day delivery special where employees will dress up as the monster clown to deliver your doughnuts for an added fee. There’s nothing like being scared to death, only to receive some doughnuts.


They Got Steak, She Got Snake

A Virginia woman was sent to the hospital after a poisonous snake bit her while she was eating at a local restaurant. She spent five days in the hospital receiving antivenin treatments. Recovery will take a full three months. The restaurant is unware of how the snake got into their dining room. Nothing like a snake bite to ruin the ambiance.



Why it matters to you: Turnover is costing you thousands…so why aren’t you fixing it?

Ahh, the War for Talent just keeps rolling on with little hope of abating. With turnover reaching all-time highs in our industry and finding great people even harder than ever, we can all use a little primer on best practices. This article in Nation’s Restaurant News (NRN) delivers you ninetactics/strategies that will improve your performance on recruiting, interviewing and selection. Each component is crucial to ensure you source and hire the best possible candidates.

This is more important than ever, given how crucial every potential candidate is to your business. The irony is that most of what is covered in the NRN post was included in our webinar, The War for Talent – The Real Cost of Employee Turnover and is tried and true best practices. It’s up to you to not just complain about how difficult it is to find and retain the best people; you have to change your methods to change your outcomes. The NRN post and our webinar at least give you the base to work forward on the problem.



Why it matters to you: Miscommunication can unintentionally get you in hot water.

Miscommunication between a guest and management can escalate tensions quickly and potentially can be blown out of proportion. A Yuba City, CA, cafe is in hot water after a man in a wheelchair claims the owner asked him to leave because the dining room was overcrowded. The problems began when the man’s wheelchair was blocking the fire lane, which the owner deemed a safety hazard. She proceeded to ask if he could switch to a regular chair to not block the fire lane, and if not, he would need to leave. As tensions are high in an already loud and overcrowded restaurant, miscommunication became their downfall.

The owner of the restaurant admits she asked the man to switch to a chair before he became upset and left. She claims that the man left before she could offer to switch tables with another group of people so that he didn’t block the fire exit.

Although a restaurant’s busiest time can be chaotic, approach is everything when communicating with guests. Had the owner approached the man differently, the outcome may have been different. We never want to unintentionally offend or embarrass our guests when we are trying to solve a problem, however, communication can make or break the situation. As for the owner, she was clearly not refusing service to the man, but attempting to fix a safety problem. Management and owners should always be cautions to their approach with guests to not come across as overbearing.

