The Daily Rail: A Denny's Twitter Joke Backfires Immediately — The Rail

The Daily Rail: A Denny's Twitter Joke Backfires Immediately

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Today's Specials:


SPORTS: What the Mayweather-McGregor Fight Tells Us About Sports Live Streaming

One week this past Saturday night, the world was captivated by the spectacle that was Floyd Mayweather Jr vs. Conor McGregor. It is estimated that around 100 million folks tuned in to see the biggest fight ever on PPV — and a lot of them were live streaming.




Baptized in the Stanley Cup

Pittsburgh Penguins forward Josh Archibald used his day with the Stanley Cup amusingly. In a ceremony in Minnesota, the NHL player and his wife baptized their three-week-old son inside hockey’s Holy Grail fresh off their win this past season. The Penguins are the first team to win back-to-back titles since the Detroit Red Wings in 1998.


Pizza Kayak

Restaurants have been doing everything in their power to help after the devastation from Harvey. Two Texas Pizza Hut employees delivered free pizzas by kayak to victims trapped in their homes after the flood. More than 120 pizzas were packed into kayaks and shipped out to victims. The store managers said she plans on delivering more kayak pizzas until the store runs out of food to deliver.

Smartphone Photo Boom

Now that smartphones take such high resolution photos, people have begun using photography in everyday life. Based on this infographic, a total of 1.2 trillion digital photos will be taken worldwide this year on smartphones. For perspective, that’s roughly 160 pictures for every one of the approximately 1.7 billion people on earth. TBA on how many of those are selfies.                 

Infographic: Smartphones Cause Photography Boom | Statista


Why it matters to you: A Denny’s joke on Twitter about non-tippers backfires immediately.  

Top brands have gone above and beyond with their social media content. Sometimes what was once thought of a creative post can become offensive or spark backlash without warning. A Denny’s tweet about tipping has sparked backfire from workers in the restaurant industry tweeting back calling out the brand for its hypocrisy.

Denny’s posts fairly entertaining tweets that channel everything from pop culture to unique marketing tactics. In their recent tweet, Denny’s pokes fun at non-tippers, implying that they’re heartless. Multiple people on Twitter immediately called out the brand based on the company’s history of fighting for lower pay for its employees.

According to Glassdoor, Denny’s servers earn an average of $5.43 per hour and line cooks make an average of $11.12 per hour. It’s hard for a company to poke fun at people that don’t tip while the company “actively campaigns against wage increases.” There obviously seems to be disconnect between Denny’s restaurant staff and Denny’s corporate headquarters. Tweeting about bad tippers is fairly routine for connecting to common industry-related problems, while it was unintentionally linked to a much larger issue. Unfortunately for Denny’s, what was intended to be a harmless and comical tweet severely backfire based on the company’s past. It is always important to keep in mind that whatever we post could possibly be looked at from multiple angles. More importantly, it’s crucial to address the unintentionally offensive post accordingly.   



Why it matters to you: Immigration reform may cause chaos for restaurants.

While none of us are “for” illegal immigration, many of us have benefited from these low-skilled workers to fill those impossible positions in our restaurants. Recently the Trump administration has moved to cut traditional immigration quotas in half and further focus on offering visas to workers with demonstrable skills. To some, this may appear to be a sound policy, but what it will do to the US economy may be devastating. It’s not just employers in the restaurant industry. Hotels, food processing plants and restaurants are all going to be negatively impacted by this aggressive reduction in immigration.

A report from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs concluded the effects of aggressive immigration enforcement will compound an already tight labor market for our industry. Immigrants make up only 13% of people residing in the US, but they are 22% of restaurant workers and 37% of small independent restaurant owners. That’s an old story in our country. Every time you visit a local pizza, burrito or Chinese restaurant, it’s more likely than not owned by immigrants. What will reduced or eliminated immigrant labor mean to your business?

