The Daily Rail: Fourth of July: Reporter Hit With Projectile Vomit — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Fourth of July: Reporter Hit With Projectile Vomit

Friday, July 7, 2017


Today's Specials:


HACK: Use a Hair Straightener to Fix Collars

The restaurant industry is an active job and that means clothing can get in disarray easily. Keep restaurant staff looking crisp by straightening their shirt collars with the help of a hair straightener.



You Did Not Sleep There

A travel Instagram account has taken a new approach to highlighting people’s outrageous travel photos. YouDidNotSleepThere is an Instagram account dedicated to calling out people’s over-the-top camping pictures that she’s calling “staged” and accusing them of faking parts of their experience.


Declaration of Independence Angers Tweeters

On the Fourth of July, NPR tweeted quotes from the Declaration of Independence and people got very angry. Many people immediately got offended some stating that NPR was “calling for a revolution,” because they thought it had a “negative political undertone” towards Trump.

Reporter Hit with Projective Vomit

Reporters have it tough. This is true for one journalist in the field who got vomited on while interviewing people in a Fourth of July mosh pit. And of course, we have it I on video.


Why it matters to you: Strong management requires letting go of consistency.

Managers can have a tough job especially working in restaurants. Many times they are working long hours and have quick turnarounds in the shift schedules which makes the role very taxing. The aspects that make a strong and confident lead manager are not just dedicated to keeping up with the schedule, but more so revolve around the qualities they possess. In BBC’s article on management techniques, there are common misconceptions about what makes a great manager. The first misconception is consistency. Too often, managers assume that success is seen in remaining consistent. However, the article found that the best managers are happy to hold two or more opposing views on an issue because they understand the problem is complex.

Limiting ideas or feedback to a “narrow logic” has found to be a major detriment to leading a team. This rings true especially for restaurants where consistency means operating the exact same way for hopes that it will bring success. There are, however, aspects of operating a restaurant the must remain consistent such as food and service, just not management’s approach to every situation. A great manager can switch from hands-off to hands-on leadership depending on the situation, while also acting as a teacher to provide feedback as needed. “So, no matter how much you believe something to be true, ask whether the opposite may also have some validity,” … “this type of open-mindedness will help you identify potential risks with your preferred course of action and be in a better position to mitigate those risks.” Some managers approach their guests and staff in a routine manner that seems to benefit each interaction, but not all people need the same encouragement.



Why it matters to you: What does a competitor’s restaurant closing mean to your business?

An interesting thing DIDN’T happen on the way to Chipotle losing over $600 million in sales in their last fiscal year, their competitors didn’t benefit. Where in the world did those dollars go if they weren’t transferred to another dining establishment? Many of you have had this experience when a new restaurant opens, or an existing one closes; you see a sales change, at least temporarily. However, in the end, all things equalize. What the Chipotle losses do indicate is that consumer choice is more complicated than ~see restaurant, spend money. ~

This is exactly why each of you should take care of your own space and not worry about the health or illness of your competitors. Certainly, it makes sense to see how they are doing, but only to get an indication as to what competitive advantages you can exploit, or adjustments to make to your own business to remain relevant. In fact, the best way to grow your business has never been at the expense of a competitor, but rather, with great service, attention to the experience, and consistency of execution. If you master those factors, you’ll likely barely notice the comings and goings of our industry.

