The Daily Rail: What Generation Comes After Millennials? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: What Generation Comes After Millennials?

Monday, June 5, 2017


Today's Specials: 


INFOGRAPHIC: Do You Have One of These Top 10 Most Common Bad Boss Traits?

No one's perfect, but it's important to be a fair restaurant manager to your restaurant's staff. Do you possess these common bad boss traits?






A bar in Chicago is under fire for releasing what people are calling a “racist and classist dress code.” The sign posted in front bans an excessive list of clothing items including brand name apparel to “maintain a classy atmosphere.” So I guess that means no boots with the fur.  

What Not To Post

A recent infographic from Statista shows what brands should and shouldn’t do on social media based on how it’s viewed by consumers. Take a look at what annoys your customers the most on social media.  

Infographic: What Brands Should and Shouldn't Do on Social Media | Statista


Nugget Thief

A truck driver is in custody after selling $20,000 worth of bootleg McDonald’s ingredients in New York. The delivery company has been a McDonald’s distributor for the last 50 years and this driver, in particular, was apparently looking for a side gig. So that’s why he wanted fries with that.   



Why it matters to you: here is what you need to know about the generation after millennials.

Millennials have been the audience in which top chains have been bending over backward to accommodate. Many chains have been successful with planning and implementing fast casual concepts into their existing routine. Restaurant Business Magazine featured a projection as to how restaurants will change with the next generation to hit the workforce, also known as Generation Z. This group is defined as being born in the mid-1990s to early 2000s and have grown up almost completely accustomed to technology. As a restauranteur, this might mean adjusting the hiring process yet again in years to come with new technology and a new generation.

When considering potential restaurants to work in, Generation Z is looking for establishments that offer a career instead of just a job, including additional training paths for advancement. A recent study comparing this generation to millennials found that they less concerned about finding a job the pays well, but more so with a job that they’re passionate about. Increasingly, the study also found that they are not afraid to move from job to job to find the right fit. Most importantly to note is that this generation has grown up accustomed to digital media and as the technological world keeps advancing, they are an important group to understand.



Why it matters to you: restaurants are not winning over customers, despite strong service.

Many establishments have stepped up their game with the quality of service but some have not seen the indented return of investment. Customers at many food chains have stated that they are happy with the quality of service however that no longer implies that they will come back. The Nation’s Restaurant News featured an article that tackled this issue in depth drawing correlations as to why good service does not always mean loyal customers. Restaurant service scores rose 10.2 percent in April, according to a new Restaurant Guest Satisfaction Snapshot but when asked whether they would return, scores fell 6.4 percent in April. These results suggest that at some point, restaurants are unable to build brand loyalty with their customers.

These results come at a time when restaurants are struggling to generate consistent sales and traffic. One of the main contributions to this problem is that consumers have far more dining choices than ever before, and they are reluctant to say whether they would return even after great service. In a survey conducted for the article, results found one of the best-performing establishments in terms of service regarding ‘intent on returning’ was a convenience-store chain. Many restaurant data analysts have noted that this information was an “eye opener to the industry” currently. It is extremely difficult as most chains are fighting to attract much of the same audience with return rates dropping.  

