The Daily Rail: Bad Booze Business for Boston Bars — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Bad Booze Business for Boston Bars

September 23, 2016


Today's Special: 


WATCH: This is What Life as a Bartender is Really Like, Right? [HOW HOLLYWOOD SEES US]

Who doesn't love a bartender who's entertaining your guests while mixing some serious cocktails? Here's what Cocktail did for the idea of the professional bartender.


READ: Cash-Only Is Hurting Your Restaurant's Reputation

Is your restaurant cash-only? You might be hurting your reputation with the perception of illegal activities. At best, you're shooing away potential guests that go sans-cash.




Cheesy Sushi?

You thought it couldn’t be done, but it has and it looks awesome. Thanks to Insider Food, we now know a restaurant by the name of Gojuu Sushi in Bangkok, Thailand has created a dish called “Cheese Lava.” Check it out below. 



Why this matters to you: Should you cater to everyone?

Much of the world’s population doesn’t eat meat and as such, businesses maybe should offer items that cater to those who choose to eschew animal protein. That’s the idea behind the petition to In-N-Out Burger to offer a veggie burger to patrons. In-N-Out hasn’t commented yet, but why should they? They already offer a grilled cheese. 

In other meat-less news, PETA has released a report card on burger joints. The winner? Ben’s Chili Bowl. We’re just as confused as you are. Basically, PETA ranked a number of meaty joints on their vegan alternatives. Both McDonald’s and Five Guys scored an “F” for have zero options excluding a side salad. 



Why this matters to you: Robots, not immigrants are the true threat to job security. 

Scrolling through Facebook's newsfeed, you’ll find more and more solutions we didn’t ask for like this one: Somabar, the Keurig of cocktails. The device promises that you don’t need to be a world class mixologist to enjoy a finely crafted cocktail. The device is integrated with a phone app that lets you choose your poison, from over 300 drink choices. Wow! 

In other news of automation, apparently, pizza vending machines are becoming a thing. If you live in Florida you can test out the 9-inch pizzas that come in four different flavors. The business model is a lot like the Pizza ATM at Xavier University. Given that college kids will eat just about anything after hours when nothing’s open, this actually might not be a bad idea. 




Why it’s important to you: Know the laws in your State before you accept anything from a wholesaler in exchange for a product placement.

No one wants to get a call from the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission (ABCC) especially one that requires you have an attorney represent your interests. In Boston, two well know restaurant/bar operators are the target of an ABCC investigation into ‘pay to play’ schemes that saw a wholesaler, The Craft Brewers Guild, fined $2.6 million for paying them to place draft lines in their establishments. The technical issues aside, the real question do wholesalers have the right to pay retailers to guarantee their products are placed on their taps?

Certainly, the grocery business operates this way, so why is it an issue with beer? Some might argue that it gives larger operators a competitive advantage or that it’s a form of discounting that is uncontrolled by ABCC regulation. The lesson is, never ask for anything or expect anything from a wholesaler that isn’t legally allowed in your state. And if you aren’t sure, find out. The penalty will cost you more than whatever you gained from the wholesaler’s incentive. Here’s a resource from the Federal Trade Commission that outlines all the regulations state by state.




Why it’s important to you: Do you know what your employees want as people?

Kevin Durant is one heck of a basketball player and when he signed with Golden State this past July lots of people expressed an opinion about the move. On Wednesday, KD visited with Bill Simmons on his HBO show and explained how frustrating it is that “Nobody cares what I want as a person”. As long as he plays well and for your team, then things are cool. However, when he did what was right for himself, he got called out by the media and fans. His comments should be a reminder that your staff has similar personal motivations and factors that impact their choices and decisions. Great leaders recognize that people come and go, but it’s the relationships that define how you succeed with your team. When a staff person moves on, take a moment to understand their motivation and allow them the grace of not second guessing or being critical as they leave. As KD shows us, even the most successful people don’t want to feel misunderstood or criticized.

