The Daily Rail: PTO is Your Restaurant's Strongest Weapon Against Coronavirus — The Rail

The Daily Rail: PTO is Your Restaurant's Strongest Weapon Against Coronavirus

BUSINESS: Top Restaurant Design Trends for 2020

As we enter the spring of 2020, restaurant owners might find themselves wondering what is going to make the biggest splash regarding interior design that will present the best experience for their guests. To make sure that you stay one step ahead of the competition it may be worth updating the decor, style, or features of your restaurant. Not only will it wow your regulars, but it also can pull in new foot fall.


Will the Games Begin?

When Dick Pound, a senior member of the International Olympic Committee, floated the idea of cancelling the Tokyo 2020 games in an interview with the Associated Press last week, sports fans around the world were put on red alert. While Pound estimated that there is a two to three-month window to decide whether the virus is “under sufficient control” for the Olympics to go ahead as planned, the IOC didn’t want to wait that long to put any doubts to rest. "We made a decision, and the decision is the games go ahead," IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said in a press conference on Tuesday. The Summer Games have been canceled only three times since 1896.

-Infographic: (Do Not) Let the Games Begin! | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

fuboTV Adds MLB & NHL

fuboTV, the OTT streaming service, has added the MLB Network, MLB Strike Zone, and NHL Network to various tiers. The NHL Network is already available while MLB Network and Strike Zone will be available in time for Opening Day in a couple of weeks. More info here.


On March 4, 2000, Sony released the PlayStation 2 in Japan, before bringing it to eagerly waiting gamers around the world in the fall of the same year. Upon its arrival, the PS2 was an instant hit and it remained popular for a very long time. Even though its successor, surprisingly named PlayStation 3, arrived in 2006, the PlayStation 2 remained in production until 2013 as an affordable entry-level system.

-Infographic: PlayStation 2 Is the Best-Selling Console of All Time | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: Paid time off is a strong weapon in the fight against coronavirus.

The coronavirus continues to rage across the planet and its arrival here is long past, but how businesses and government are responding is more recently under the spotlight. As of yesterday, two major players in our industry have announced they will pay employees that come in contact with or contract the virus for up to two weeks. McDonald’s bowed to pressure from the Restaurant Opportunity Council and announced that they are paying employees that are placed in quarantine for the 14 days they will be absent. Additionally, Darden announced it was accelerating existing plans for paid time off and immediately provided access to leave to their hourly staff.

These moves are proactive and smart. It’s already hard enough to staff your restaurants. If a staff member is quarantined without income, they surely won’t feel compelled by loyalty to return to their previous position. Just as bad is them breaking quarantine and coming into work and getting the rest of your staff and guests sick. However, if you offer people a safety net, you can protect your staff and community from this pandemic all while giving them a reason to return to work after they are cleared. We have long asserted that forcing or accepting sick employees at work is a bad policy, but many just can’t afford to stay home without pay. Consequently, giving the freedom to recover ensures your restaurant isn’t a vector for the spread of the disease. Good policy invariably leads to good outcomes when executed with earnest intent.

[Source: Restaurant Business Online]


Why it matters to you: Expect St. Paddy’s day to be busy, even with the coronavirus threat.

If you aren’t aware, several major cities have cancelled their St. Patrick’s Day parades. Boston, Dublin, and Chicago are among the bigger cities that have decided discretion is the best choice. Those cancellations aren’t likely to dim the fervor for being Irish on March 17th. That’s why this infographic that describes promotional ideas is right on point. So, let’s start with some statistics. More beer is consumed on March 17th than any other day of the year; globally, 13 million glasses of Guinness are consumed. Couple that with average number of drinks consumed on St. Patrick’s Day (4.2 per person) and you have a recipe for a very busy, and raucous, event. All this reverie happens on its own, but you can make even more profitable and fun by embracing a few of these promotional ideas for restaurants.

The infographic offers some basic advice like scheduling posts in advance that tease your place for the holiday. Pics from last year’s celebration or special offers only valid on the holiday are a great way to get your guests thinking about your place and their best green outfit. And speaking of green outfits, why not offer a discount for guests wearing green. It doesn’t have to be much and guests will love the recognition. Another fun idea is to hide four leaf clovers around your restaurant. Offer guests a prize for finding one and watch the atmosphere in your restaurant improve. Our favorite suggestion is a leprechaun takeover of your social media. Who doesn’t think leprechauns are fun? And if they don’t, they shouldn’t be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the first place…just sayin’.

[Source: Modern Restaurant Management]

