The Daily Rail: How Restaurants Can Avoid Staff Unionization — The Rail

The Daily Rail: How Restaurants Can Avoid Staff Unionization

ENTERTAINMENT: How Sports Bars Can Stream eSports Events

Ok, so you’re onboard and ready to show streaming eSports at your sports bar, but how do you do that? There are two basic elements to providing streaming eSports at your location — the device and the content source. We’ll review both and give you the tools you need to get rolling. It’s also important to note that the amount of streaming eSports available via traditional inline broadcasting has increased dramatically in the past few years.



A professional surfer was attached by a shark at Jacksonville Beach last weekend. But instead of heading to the ER to get his puncture wounds looked at, he went straight for the pier bar. In fact, Frank O’Rourke used his shark bites as a way of getting a few free drinks from some of the other patrons, illustrating that no bad scenario can’t be capitalized on – or something. Salut!

Top US Cities for Clean Energy

The 2019 City Clean Energy Scorecard tracked renewable energy policy efforts, efficiency and performance across 50 metrics in 75 major cities, finding that fewer than a dozen are on pace to meet their community-wide climate goals. That's despite local governments in all cities taking more than 265 actions - new initiatives or expansions of past ones - to advance clean energy between January 2017 and April 2019. The Daily Rail’s HQ, Boston, retained first-place in this year's ranking with a score of 77.5 out of 100.

Infographic: The Top U.S. Cities For Clean Energy | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Debating to Survive

Joe Biden still heads the pack, though by substantially less when compared to his over 26-point lead in early May. Biden's anemic performance in the first round of debates, particularly against Kamala Harris, could partially explain the drop in his poll numbers. A good debate performance can also boost poll numbers and fundraising, both necessary ingredients for surviving and thriving in the primary race.

Infographic: Biden Leads Polls, Runner-Up Contested | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: What does a union organizing fail means to your business?

Many in our industry have long believed unions represent an existential threat to our success and prosperity. So, when the employees of small QSR Burgerville voted to go with union representation, those same people started shouting about the sky falling in their most desperate voices. Well, it appears the news of inundation of our industry by unions has been much exaggerated, given that the employees at another small burger chain, Little Big Burgers in Oregon, voted against union organization. For those folks that are scared that unions will drive wages out of sight or erode control of their businesses can now rest easy. However, what they might want to observe is how Chanticleer Holdings, owners of Little Big Burger, were able to avoid unionization.

Chanticleer took a novel approach by demanding a union vote very early in the organizing efforts. This seemed to stem the tide of the union approach and the vote went 59% against organizing. This doesn’t mean small chain operators in the full-service industry aren’t subject to this union expansion efforts. If it’s your goal to assiduously avoid a union organizing at your restaurant, you have to start by listening. This is especially true if you aren’t in the units regularly. We would suggest creating listening sessions with key employees in your field operations and asking them what they think of their jobs, the experience of being employed by you, and if they have anything they want to see change. You don’t have to address every issue you find, but you may identify something serious enough to help you derail a union incursion. That sure sounds like time well spent, whether it’s a union or just plain old turnover you are aiming to avoid.

[Source: Restaurant Business Online]


Why it matters to you: Hotels are rejecting business from ICE for a few reasons.

Speaking of unions, it would seem that the hotels that have unions have succumb to their pressure and are refusing to allow ICE or CBP to warehouse detain immigrants while they are being processed. Let’s start with how most big corporations think and then we’ll address the role of the unions. The corporations in the US are 100% focused on profitability. In that pursuit, they are almost universally resistant to any type of perception of bias. They want EVERYONE to feel welcome at their properties -- so long as they are paying to be there. Consequently, the perception that they are complicit with efforts to remove or detain migrants is more than they are willing to endure.

But that was likely not their only issue. Sure perception is reality, but when their unions also objected, hotel giants like Marriott, Hilton, Choice Hotels, Best Western, Wyndham, Hyatt, IHG, and MGM all released statements saying they don’t want their hotels used to detain migrants, according to a report from the Associated Press. It appears their unions were sufficiently strident in their rejection of the hotels housing migrants that it tipped the scales. It’s unusual for corporations to even weigh-in on issues of government policy. However, when you consider the growing number of guests and the overwhelming number of employees they employ that are connected to the migrants in some way, it’s not the least bit surprising.

[Source: Forbes]

