The Daily Rail: A Portland Bar is Turning ‘Happy Hour’ Into ‘Reparations Hour’ — The Rail

The Daily Rail: A Portland Bar is Turning ‘Happy Hour’ Into ‘Reparations Hour’

The Rail is happy to announce a new department for the summer in partnership with CHIVE TV, bringing you amazing alternative content to show your guests on TV. Check it out below!

THIS WEEK IN CHIVE TV: From the Cool Kids to the Seasoned Seniors, These Folks Are Probably More Talented Than You [Presented by CHIVE TV]

CHIVE TV’s five-hour viral content loop gets one hour of fresh new content every week to keep customers engaged. Check out a couple of our newest clips hitting the stream this week and sign up to get CHIVE TV for FREE in your business. 

CHIVE TV is a content-first entertainment channel and digital signage platform, streaming the best jaw-dropping viral videos from around the web. For more info, visit


Sipping on Gin & Juice

Snoop Dogg broke the Guinness World Record for largest gin & juice… because of course he did. Guinness confirmed that Snoop Dogg’s cocktail measured in at more than 132 gallons. It contained 180 bottles of gin, 154 bottles of apricot brandy, and 38 jugs of orange juice. That’s one strong cocktail.

Police Militarization

Generally, the type of military items finding their way into the hands of police officers includes everything from sleeping bags and socks to assault rifles and armored vehicles. A new RAND analysis found that the acquisition value of all military property currently held by U.S. law enforcement agencies stands at $1,888,559,339.This infographic takes a look at a selection of equipment from the analysis and its value.

Infographic: How Much Is The Police's Military Equipment Worth?  | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

World’s 50 Best Restaurants of 2018

World’s 50 Best season has started and the list has revealed their Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants list, Best Female Chef award, the Lifetime Achievement Award, and the “One to Watch” award. You can see the revealed lists here. On June 12, World’s will reveal the “back 50” restaurants earning spots on the 51-100 list.


Why it matters to you: This Portland, OR bar is holding a happy hour where POC drink for free as reparations.

In a city that is 72% white people, a Portland, OR bar is hosting a happy hour that gives people of color (POC) reparations in the forms of $10 bills and drinks. While this is a painfully Portland thing to do and we appreciate their thought behind it, we worry that a day/night like this could potentially be more harmful than good. Not that white people need to be included in everything, but the owner’s statement may be slightly off-putting compared to the program’s overall message:

“This event is for white people, too. (But don’t show up physically!) [...] Instead of physically attending, your presence will be felt through your active financial support for healing, leadership, and community building within Portland’s black, brown, and indigenous community.”

We think that this confuses the positive message the night is trying to portray with these stipulations. Plus, the program’s largest donor was a black woman who participated in the event and donated $500. The bar be more likely to have active financial support from white patrons if they were included in some way (although they run the risk of the event being white washed,so we understand that). We dig the goal of the night, but are iffy on the execution. However, in today’s racial climate anything positive for POC is a win, so they have our support and well wishes. Though it does sound like a Portlandia sketch a bit



Why it matters to you: After a BWW employee wrote a derogatory message on a homeless man’s order slip BWW is making amends.

When a homeless man went into a Louisiana Buffalo Wild Wings excited for a meal he was greeted with hatred. An employee reportedly wrote “For Homeless Fuck! Let sit and get gross” across the top of his order slip. This was meant to be seen by another employee and not the customer but the guest saw the slip. When he saw the slip, in tears, he showed a fellow customer who demanded to see a manager and reported the incident. To make amends, the regional manager is giving the guest a gift card for free wings for a year, a gift card for clothes from Walmart, and is helping to put him up in a local hotel room. Buffalo Wild Wings will also be donating hundreds of wings to a nearby homeless shelter. The employees involved in the incident were let go.

While the original situation was appalling, we’re glad BWW has acted accordingly and is turning a bad situation into a positive. Free food, some clothes, and some shelter for a year is a great move by BWW. We hope the guy can start to turn it all around from this point on! Looks-based discrimination is horrendous and no customer should ever be subject to this, especially at an all-welcoming establishment such as BWW. We’re glad that BWW has been able to start making it better though, onwards and upwards!

