The Daily Rail: Restaurants Can Kick Patrons Out Over Political Affiliation — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Restaurants Can Kick Patrons Out Over Political Affiliation

MARKETING: 7 Reasons Why Restaurant Email Marketing Beats Facebook

There is a social media marketing secret that no one ever talks about and it’s time you took notice. It’s really more a lie than a secret: Facebook is a great place to start when marketing to your guests. Facebook’s every-changing algorithm makes getting in front of followers almost impossible. So, here’s a truth for you: There is no better way to directly market your business to interested consumers than email marketing.


$2 Dos Equis

Applebee’s is riding the cheap drink train until the end of the line. First it was “Dollaritas”; now Applebee’s will be offering $2 Dos Equis for the entire month of May. The Dollaritas promotion boosted sales by 9% year over year, so we’ll see how cheap Dos Equis will do. Something to think about if you’re looking to make your bar the best Happy Hour in town. Cheers!

All Black Goes Rainbow

The famous All Blacks rugby team wants to show its support for the LGBTI community and they’re doing it in a pretty cool way. Their new jerseys (still that classic black) reveals a rainbow when stretched. The movement began after an Australian player ignorantly said, “God’s plan” for gays was “HELL.” The All Blacks are from New Zealand, adding a classic rivalry twist to it all. 

Thursday Night Football Now on Twitch

Amazon has renewed its streaming rights for Thursday Night Football for two more seasons. Not only will the games be available through Amazon Prime, but fans can also watch the game on Twitch, the popular gaming-streaming community/service.


Why it matters to you: NY Judge says political affiliation is not a protected class

With all the news about the rules surrounding who can be refused service by the hospitality industry, a case in New York has a fascinating twist. Last year a guest that visited a West Village bar wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat was refused service because of his political affiliation. He sued in the Superior Court of New York for discrimination. Well the judge has ruled…and this guy is out of luck. Turns out the classes of people protected from discrimination does not include political affiliation.

The judge here said, “Here the claim that plaintiff was not served and eventually escorted out of the bar because of his perceived support for President Trump is not outrageous conduct.” This means if someone is promoting something offensive to you or your guests by their clothing or their conversation, they can be asked to leave solely based on their message. Now you tell us? Well, we’ve got two and half more years of this divisive political climate until we get a new in one in 2020, so buckle up, it’s gonna be bumpy.


Why it matters to you: New legislation further muddies the waters of employer & employee tip relationship.

You may have heard, but the rules around how employers can account for tipping and tipping policy in general are in flux. A recent short entry into Congressional legislation has further muddled these rules. This is especially confusing based on the Department of Labor’s recently claw back of Obama era rules about tip sharing and employers rights to that money. These new rules impact the Fair Labor Standards Act and will likely end up in more litigation.

This is not an urgent issue, but it may become one for operators in states that allow tip credit. This rule seems to invalidate the very concept of an employer credit and could cost employers in additional taxes and wages paid to employees. For the moment, keep doing what you are doing and wait to see what happens next. We’ll get back to you when it becomes a reality, but thought you needed to have it on your radar.

