The Daily Rail: Is Your Restaurant Too Loud? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Is Your Restaurant Too Loud?

MARKETING: How to Set Your Bar’s Happy Hour Apart

The Happy Hour is a great business driver for your bar or restaurant, but so many fail to make their Happy Hour stand out. Here are tips for making your bar’s Happy Hour be the best of the best and worth putting on people’s calendars.


Watch Guy Fieri Drive a Giant Turbo-Charged Shopping Cart with Jay Leno

Y’know? Some things are just better left without any context. Check the video here.

Costs of (Baby) Deliveries

The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth on Monday to their third child in the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in London. Though this ward with all amenities is considered top notch, the deluxe room package for 24 hours with non-Caesarian delivery still costs less than an average birth in the Unites States. Figures compiled by The Economist show that the Swiss also pay quite a steep price for delivery.

Infographic: Kate's Luxury Birth is Still Cheaper Than a Birth in the U.S. | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Thursday Night Football on FS1?

Scheduling can be a bastard – for restaurant managers and apparently TV networks. If a World Series game is rained out, Fox could move a Thursday Night Football matchup to FS1. The bad news (for sports fans) is it splits time and viewership; the good news (for Fox) is it would pretty much own 90% of all eyes on TV because of it.


Why It matters to you: The St. Louis Cardinals set an example we should all follow when it comes to reducing food waste.

Have you ever wondered what happens to all of the leftover food at an MLB stadium after a game? Us too. St. Louis and their beloved Busch Stadium aim to significantly reduce the amount of food wasted by (roughly) 3.5 million fans per season.

Each season around 43 tons of food is wasted in a typical MLB stadium setting. That’s 43 tons of hot dogs, popcorn, peanuts, AND cracker jacks. They’ve partnered with Operation Food Search to reduce the waste. Operation Food Search receives a solid chunk of the Cardinal’s potential food waste and redistribute it to families in need.

Now, you might be envisioning the aforementioned unhealthy ballpark foods feeding those in need. Those typically aren’t what Operation Food Search receives though; they get many fruits, vegetables, and other “high quality” items from the Cardinals’ stadium rather than a truckload of burgers & dogs. Last year, Operation Food Search received 4.2 tons in donated food from the Cardinals. The Cardinals also donate food to other groups while the remaining waste end up in a green-friendly compost situation.

We love that the Cardinals are trying to be more green. Any steps towards helping those in need is a great move and we hope that everyone will take Busch Stadium as a positive example and try to keep those landfills a little smaller and hungry people more fed.


Why It matters to you: Some diners are finding that restaurants are getting louder whether it’s the customers or venues themselves.

Have you ever gotten complaints from guests that your venue is too loud? It’s happening to some restaurants. Diners are complaining about the noise levels in restaurants lately as restaurants are “looking to create buzz or energy in dining rooms.”

In a lot of ways, this is just the nature of the beast. Popular locations are loud. With lots of patrons comes lots of noise. The only real noise-level control you have over is your live audio – be it music or the games on TV. The creepiest thing ever is walking into a restaurant or store with no ambient music playing, really gives off a serial killer vibe

We completely disagree with the complaint that restaurants are too loud, that’s like going to an MLB game and wishing people would keep it down so you can concentrate. There are also immediate fast solutions to their problems; patrons could go to said restaurant on a slower night, avoid “hotspots,” let life pass them by while they live in their librarian mausoleum of a home, etc. Places that are busy are busy for a reason and that deserves to be celebrated not complained about.

