The Daily Rail: What Traffic Drivers are You Using to Speed Up Slow Restaurant Nights

BUSINESS: How to Start a Healthy Food Menu Program at Your Restaurant

Starting in May 2018, restaurants with 20+ locations will be federally mandated to provide basic nutrition info about their meals & menu items. But independent restaurants would be wise to also jump on the healthy menu train. Here are tips for restaurants to create a healthy food menu program.


Equal Pay Day

Based on the median earnings of all full-time, year-round workers in 2016 in the United States, women now make 80.5 cents for every dollar men make, a change from 79.6 cents the previous year. A poll by Ipsos shows that equal pay is seen as an issue in advanced European countries such as Sweden, Germany and France. It is much more likely to be mentioned by women than men, particularly in Sweden, Belgium, Chile and the U.S.

Infographic: Where Equal Pay is Considered Most Important | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Brew Dogs

Have you ever given your dog beer? One, please don’t ever do that to your puppers. Two, there are companies that make “dog beers” that are non-alcoholic, un-carbonated and hop-free. It does contain malt extract and other healthy-doggo ingredients. Here are five “dog beers” for your furry best friend.

Tech That Have Made a Difference

We’ve talked a lot about how restaurant technology makes your business better and more profitable, but despite that operators are still hesitant to adopt new tech. This slideshow shows the top 10 technology that have been game-changers in the restaurant industry.


Why it matters to you: The relationship between sports & social grows, and Facebook has exclusive rights to stream MLB games.

The relationship between sports and social media has been evolving since Facebook hit the scene in 2004. Various platforms have tested live events from Twitter’s NFL experimenting in 2016 to the full Thursday Night NFL schedule hosted by Amazon Prime. Now it appears that Major League Baseball wants to wade into social streaming with their 2018 season Facebook Watch schedule.

Today’s the game between Milwaukee and St. Louis is exclusively available on Facebook Watch. You can check out this quick video to see how we list it on the SportsTV Guide. Facebook Watch will host 25 games exclusively on the platform for broadcast. Most games will be shown on Wednesdays and will include both game action and curated content provided by MLB Network. The Facebook Watch deal is likely the beginning of an unstoppable trend. Click here to see the upcoming schedule and for instructions on how to access Facebook Watch.



Why it matters to you: The use of traffic drivers on slow nights can boost sales and loyalty.

Everyone in the industry knows that slow nights are inevitable. The first half of the week can be difficult to coerce people out of the comfort of their homes and into your restaurant without good reason.

The solution? Give them a good reason. Midweek-deals are certainly nothing new; the wing night and Taco Tuesday-like deals have been kicking around for some time now. Truly doing a great job with your food on these nights is where success can be made or broken. Don’t half-ass your food quality just because it is discounted certain nights. That won’t do you any favors.

These sort of nights being a success can mean your guests make a ritual of visiting you and loyally return every week. How many people do you know that go to a wing, trivia, taco, open mic, etc. every week? Guaranteed a couple. They have a more casual and fun feel which fits the early and midweek perfectly when people need a distraction from their daily work grind. If your regulars already know and love you these nights it could prove to be an additional draw for them. Yea we go on Fridays but we should definitely try their wing night! These traffic drivers show your guests that you care about discounts and fun, and will be a step to generate loyal guests we all know are the lifeblood of our businesses.

