The Daily Rail: NYC Restaurants Celebrate Their Immigrant Staff — The Rail

The Daily Rail: NYC Restaurants Celebrate Their Immigrant Staff

INVENTORY: It's Here. The 2018 Complete Guide to Inventory [Presented by Orderly]

We've researched. We've discovered. And we've written a guide that will change the way you run your restaurant - or simply help you get started. The 2018 Complete Guide to Inventory is the definitive guide to being more profitable. So, what are you waiting for? Download it today!


Play With Your Food

Despite what your mom might’ve said, maybe you should play with your good. From the team that brought you Jafflechutes, Snackade is a world-first experiment in playable food delivery. You play different video games and as you collect items in the digital world it pops out of a chute and into your basket. Mom also said playing video games wouldn’t put food on the table. Well look who’s joking now, ma!

A Chicken in Every Pot!

This week marked the 424-anniversary of crowning King Henri IV of France in the late 16th to early 27th Centuries. France was so marred by decades of religious war, that Good King Henri looked to bring peace among the masses via their stomachs. Here’s the famous poule-au-pot that Henri wanted for his people.

Boycott March Madness?

The NCAA is at a bit of impasse as it sits in the midst of an FBI investigation into college athletics corruption. Between players not being paid while schools rakes in millions and illicit payments being passed around, the NCAA needs to change. ESPN’s Jalen Rose thinks the players should force the change by boycotting March Madness. He might be right. His take here. 


Why it matters to you: In the midst of crackdowns on immigrants, NYC chefs are finding ways to support & celebrate them and their cuisine.

In the “we should all be doing this” files, we have NYC restaurants celebrating and supporting their immigrant staff through charitable events and protests throughout the city. In an industry and country so directly founded on immigrants, it should come as no surprise that we would all do what we can to help. Story Course is an event series that was created for just this reason. It combines food and theater tailored directly to the specific chef’s immigration story in an effort to highlight and celebrate each of their original stories of how they got to where they are now.

Adam Kantor, co-founder of Story Course, said, “We are essentially consuming migration stories on a daily basis without necessarily knowing it. If you know the story behind the food you’re eating, does it taste different? Can you be emotionally moved by a dish if you understand it in a narrative way? We wanted to explore these ideas of what it means to be an immigrant and an American and especially living in NYC, which is a city full of immigrant chefs.”

This is truly a great medium to celebrate peoples’ cultures. When we are in turbulent circumstances as an industry (such as right now), there is no better or more important time to do so. Getting to better know an immigrant chef cooking for you is a fulfilling learning experience. We receive an insider’s glimpse into their culture, traditions, and history as a country through a simple plate of food. Hopefully more culinary and cultural leaders will do what they can to help if this all continues the way it seems to be. There is power and support in numbers.


Why it matters to you: If you are in a franchise relationship, this NLRB decision impacts you.

We number an enormous of franchisees and franchisors as our subscribers. The relationship between these two classes of operators has always been confusing to labor regulators at best and downright divisive at worst. A further proof of that tenuous relationship is the most recent ruling the National Labor Relations Board that vacated a previous finding on joint employees. For those that don’t know, there is a contention that franchisors have some equal measure of responsibility for the working conditions of their franchisees employees. As such they are also liable when a franchisor misbehaves or is even accused of impropriety.

A recent Trump Administration ruling found that relationship to be void and that operators of franchises are solely liable for their actions in managing employees. Consequently, this turnaround adds even further instability and uncertainty to complicated franchise relationships all over the country. A good analogy would be holding the Department of Public Safety (DPS) in a specific state accountable for the performance and behavior of a local police department. Unless the DPS specifically directed the local department to misbehave, they can’t possibly be liable. The franchisor/franchisee association is almost identically, and it’s equally ridiculous to hold franchisors liable if their franchisees behave poorly or get sued by employees.

Hero image image by justin lee

