The Daily Rail: When was the Last Time You Asked Your Restaurant's Staff to Review You? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: When was the Last Time You Asked Your Restaurant's Staff to Review You?

MARKETING: Spreading Your Branding So More People Recognize You

If you’re a smaller, family-owned restaurant that doesn’t have the name recognition of a large franchise, then you need to get people to notice you. That means having strong branding and spreading it in your area so people see it, learn to recognize it, and get comfortable with it. The more people see your name and brand, the more likely they’ll give your restaurant a try, and it could even help increase the number of returning customers. Spreading your branding requires creative marketing and advertising techniques so a larger audience can see it. Here’s some tips to get you started.


Pringles Thanksgiving

Pringles has released three limited-edition flavors just in time for Thanksgiving. The three-course meal includes turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. They come in three tiny little cans and go for a whopping $15 total. Here’s a review of how they all taste.

Are Video Games Bigger Than Movies?

Red Dead Redemption 2, one of the most anticipated video games of the year, had the second-highest grossing launch of any entertainment product in history. With over $725 million in worldwide retail sales during its first three days of availability, the massive Western-themed open world game trails only Grand Theft Auto V, also made by Rockstar Games, in terms of three-day launch sales. As the following chart shows, both GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 have made more money in three days than the biggest movie openings of all time. 

Infographic: Video Games Beat Blockbuster Movies Out of the Gate | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Female Candidates Make History

At least 100 female House candidates from both parties were projected to win seats early Wednesday morning, a record number. Currently, there are 84 women in the House of Representatives and by 06:00am EST, 95 female candidates were confirmed as winning their races. This year's midterms saw a wave of women running for office and many of them were first-time candidates. In fact, more than twice as many women ran for Congress this year than in 2016 and most of them were Democrats.

Infographic: Record Number Of Women Win House Seats | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: What we Jerry Jones learn from Troy Aikmen?

Troy Aikman appears to think Jerry Jones can do his job better. Whether he is right or wrong, notwithstanding, it might pay for Jerry to ask Troy’s and other former employees’ advice. When you are the owner, who can give you feedback on your performance that you will respect and respond to? Nobody likes to be told to change, but without feedback we all become capable of making the same mistakes. This is Aikmen’s comment on Jones and could be something he can’t see himself. It takes a jolt sometimes to move us forward in our lives and your business life is no exception.

So how do you do it and keep it professional? Reach out to old staff and ask to meet them for a drink or coffee. You can use the ones with whom you split amicably. They are more likely to give you honest feedback, but are careful and respectful in how they deliver it. Be assured, they will respect you for asking and take it seriously. Who knows, you may so impress a solid former team member, they may even return. Creating an atmosphere where your staff can give you feedback is the ultimate goal, but starting with these former team members is a great way to proceed. As long as you believe you can improve your business, you will always have a chance to do that exactly.

[Source: Yahoo]


Why it matters to you: Times are changing, consider your opportunity to change with them.

We’ve never seen a more confusing time in the American restaurant industry. The messages are conflicting as can be and there seems no end in sight. So, consider that the bankruptcy trends from 2017 continued into 2018 and high profile chains have been closing restaurants left and right. Yet we have seen nothing but news regaling the strength restaurant sales, even as traffic continues to decline. It would appear that all signs point to some tumultuous times ahead. One conclusion, that’s hard to avoid, is there are too many restaurants in the market. They are all competing with each other and every other form of food service. 

Now is no time for the faint of heart. It’s also filled with opportunities like delivery & carryout, catering, popups, and food trucks just to name a few. It’s up to you as a leader to determine what’s next. What we have found is a combination of affinity, coupled with convenience, as the next paradigm of successful restaurant operations. This means people are loyal to restaurants they know and trust, but will choose a restaurant that offers more ease of access over their favorites. This leaves you to determine how you provide that convenience and how much change your restaurant should consider. The reward will be, you’re still standing when all this upheaval ends. 

[Source: RestaurantBusinessOnline

