The Daily Rail: Restaurants Need to Do Their Part to Stop the Flu — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Restaurants Need to Do Their Part to Stop the Flu

STAFF: Creating Managers with Ongoing Education

One of the most important aspects of any restaurant and bar is developing talent. This includes training staff, providing ongoing education, and nurturing leadership skills. The best restaurant and bar managers are developed from within organizations that give employees a strong foundation of knowledge and confidence. 


Good Boy Dog Beer

What’s better than enjoying a cold beer and hanging with your best canine friend? How about your canine friend enjoying a beer with you. Houston bar owners Megan and Steve Long announced a new line of Good Boy Dog Beer to hit 15 bars in the Houston area. They come in flavors such as IPA Lot in the Yard, Mailman Malt Licker, and Session Squirrel. Don’t worry, it’s not actually beer or anything close to the alcoholic beverage. It’s more like doggie soup broth in a can.

Catastrophic Cost of Climate Change

Between 1978 and 1997, the total estimated economic cost of climate-related disasters such as storms, droughts, floods and heatwaves worldwide was $895 billion (in 2017 dollars). In the roughly 20-year period from 1998 to 2017, that skyrocketed 151% to a whopping $2.25 trillion. The U.S. had the worst economic losses during the latter timeframe with $944.8 billion, followed by China with $492.2 billion and Japan with $376.3 billion.

Infographic: Cost Of Climate-Related Disasters Soars 150% | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

NBA Tip Off

The NBA regular season begins Tuesday with the 76'ers playing the Celtics and the Oklahoma City Thunder playing the Golden State Warriors.  Only two active players make the list of top regular season point scorers, with Dirk Nowitzki outpacing LeBron James, aka King James, by a handful of points in the scheme of both of their long careers. Nowitzki currently holds 31,183 points, while James sits at 31,038 points in the regular season. James leads the list for most points scored during the post-season, among other impressive post-season stats. The legendary Kareem Abdul-Jabbar still is the NBA’s all-time top scorer in the regular season. During his career he netted 38,387 points. 

Infographic: Best Ballers | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: Do your part to slow the spread of influenza.

Achoo! That’s the sound of winter coming soon to your restaurant. Each year 31.4 million Americans visit the doctor due to flu symptoms. What are you doing to prevent the pervasion of the flu from your restaurant? Sanitization and cleanliness are important elements of your operational responsibilities and blocking the spread of the flu. In fact 59% of your guests think cleanliness is at least as important as order accuracy, friendly service, or a good value.

Some experts argue that a flu shot is a key component in fighting the march of the flu each season. What they don’t do a good job of explaining is how. It turns out that encouraging your staff to get a flu shot can have several simultaneous affects. First and foremost, it will help avoid your staff infecting guests if and when they are suffering from the flu. It also reduces the spread to your staff internally. All it takes is one sick staffer to run the flu right through your whole schedule. Why not host a flu shot event with your local pharmacy or urgent care facility? This will certainly demonstrate to the community your commitment to their health and safety.

[Source: RestaurantBusinessOnline]


Why it matters to you: Changing tastes are showing old favorites the door.

It feels as if Millennials have been blamed for everything from the changing traffic patterns in the restaurant industry to killing fabric softeners to the Kennedy Assassination (JK). This article now indicts Generation Y for ending the supremacy of traditional American cheese. Although, we have to ask the question: is this really a bad thing? With Panera nixing American cheese on their grilled cheese in favor of Fontina, Cheddar, Monteau and smoked Gouda, you can see the obvious shift in taste.

Millennials may appear capricious, but they are truly a product of the Internet age. Growing up with access to the world wide web and pervasive food shows on TV have educated the Millennial generation that there are some really good alternatives to processed American cheese. The fact that McDonald’s has switched their own classic American cheese product to include no preservatives is solid proof the winds of change are not abating anytime soon. This also means that guests will only accept a premium product at an affordable price. It’s time to review your own product mix and see where you can adjust your ingredients to deliver what they want.

[Source: MSN]

