The Daily Rail: Denny's Dominates Delivery — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Denny's Dominates Delivery

Friday, June 2, 2017


Today's Specials: 


HACK: Absorb Trash Bin Liquids with Newspaper Lining [Restaurant Hacks

Restaurant trash is a messy business, but it doesn't always have to be gross. Here's a great tip for keeping your restaurant's trash bins from turning into an oil spill.




Manchester Benefit Concert

Singer Ariana Grande will be returning to Manchester England this weekend for a benefit concert with other big name stars. Proceeds are going to Red Cross’s Manchester Emergency Fund. See what it takes to plan a huge concert in a short amount of time. 


Fidget Plating

For those of you that don’t know what the fidget spinners craze is, well here you go. Now chefs are beginning to use the little gadgets to plate food in professional kitchens. See the video here


Don't Make Fun of the King

Burger King is opening in Belgium for the first time this summer. In anticipation, BK launched a big ad campaign that has caused serious backlash. The ad features Belgium’s King in a way which he has found offensive. Not a good first impression.  



Why it matters to you: Denny's has introduced 24-hour delivery via their mobile app. 

The food delivery world has just been introduced to yet another competitive player. This week Denny’s announced that they are entering the delivery game via the launch of their new “Denny’s On Demand” service which will provide delivery 24-hours a day. With the collective move toward mobile order and pay from top chains including McDonald’s and Burger King, Denny’s is the latest to compete for the same market. This is a new concept for Denny’s considering they’ve remained quite traditionally in-house dining for almost 65 years and are beginning to evolve to channel the “brand’s core beliefs.” 

With this delivery concept, many other questions including whether breakfast food can travel well were worked into their delivery strategy. Denny’s new “pods” are designed to allow pancakes to breathe with vents as well as similar engineering for traveling with cooked eggs. Also noteworthy, Denny’s new delivery container pods are both microwavable and sustainable. Whether they are using the right strategies or not, it is no secret that Denny’s will be a force to be reckoned with in the delivery world. Denny’s currently operates over 1,700 restaurants and will begin “Denny’s On Demand” in 50 percent of their locations nationwide. 


Why it matters to you: Starbucks baristas say staffing problems contribute to an exhausting work environment. 

There have been multiple accounts of the negative aspects of working at global coffee chains. The latest in this discussion comes from a Business Insider article where Starbucks baristas revealed what working at a billion-dollar coffee chain is actually quite challenging. Collectively the baristas interviewed agreed that low wages are an increasingly imminent problem especially when the location is understaffed and work is frantic and exhausting. On top of the wage issue, employees recognized that Starbucks has multiple employee benefits including “free college” through a “College-achievement program” whereas employees say they would prefer a higher pay grade. 

Starbucks is in the process of evolving their mobile order pick up strategy which has also received criticism from staff. “There are sometimes mobile orders or a drive-through in addition to the in-store line, and in some cases, all three. But the company doesn’t seem to have accounted for all those extra orders in their hiring practices.” One employee mentions that most Starbucks locations are understaffed purposely to avoid paying overtime. On top of all the staffing problems cited by the baristas, the coffee chain does excel in their employee benefits on top of the tuition program, including a 401(k), and the ability to buy Starbucks stock. 

