The Daily Rail: Don't Forget Managers Need Managing, Too! — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Don't Forget Managers Need Managing, Too!

MARKETING: 5 Ideas for Better Email Marketing Templates for Restaurants

We all know the power of email marketing, but not all of us are designers. This is the third post in The Beginner’s Guide to Restaurant Email Marketing covers email marketing design best practices and several email marketing templates to get you started.


Serving Up for Puerto Rico

Sometimes the world does right. José Andrés and his World Central Kitchen team will serve 40,000 Thanksgiving meals last week. They plan to serve “families throughout the island including San Juan, Vieques, Naguabo, Adjuntas, Ponce, Dorado, Utuado, Aguadilla and Manatí” as well as volunteers.

FAA Says Sorry, It Can't Stop Pilot From Throwing Live Turkeys Out of Plane

See any falling turkeys last week? For 50+ years, people have gathered to watch the Yelville Turkey Drop, a “celebration” of watching turkeys being dropped from a circling plane. Obviously, not everyone likes the idea and filed complaints with the FAA. Alas, the FAA says it cannot investigate animal cruelty and that the pilots are following agency regulations. Yikes!

NBCSN to Broadcast Sports Illustrated’s ‘Sportsperson of the Year’ Awards

SI has been naming a Sportsperson of the Year for over 60 years now, but 2017 is the first year the award will ever be broadcasted. NBCSN will air the event on December 8. In addition to the Sportsperson of the Year award, SI will also hand out the Muhammad Ali Legacy award and the hope award, as well as honors for the sports kid of the year, rising star of the year, and performance of the year.


Why it matters to you: We can’t forget that managers need managing too!

How often do you meet with your management team? If you call a “meeting,” walking by each other and catching up, then you are missing an easy and incredibly valuable best practice. If you don’t remember, a great management team meaning can fix a nagging problem, get your team excited about a shared goal or provide a forum for hard conversations. Here’s primer on how to approach a solid weekly team meeting. You may be executing some elements, but it’s a holistic execution that makes them a central way you manage your team.

There are seven steps to getting your team meetings right. A highlight for us is the number five -- Facilitate and Communicate. This step is the heart of having a meeting. As the leader it’s your job to include your team, hear their concerns and provide a respite from the urgency of running a restaurant. This will allow them to share with each other the challenge of managing a restaurant and solidify their connection to you and each other. There really is no better method for team building than regular meetings. So, if you haven’t get to it and get your team on a roll.


Why it matters to you: Make a sustainable approach to food a marketing tool.

Sustainability is a word we hear more often in our industry these days. There a lot of operators that are using environmentally sound practices to show their commitment to combating climate change. That sounds great in theory, but it can be too much for a rank and file operator to take on, right? Maybe not! This post describes a number of ways any operator can adjust their practices to be more sustainable without a huge disruption to business. With the largest consumer market (Millennials) being inordinately focused on the environment, it also makes sense from a values perspective.

We have spoken often about the purpose economy. We submit that any effort you make and publicize about your efforts at sustainability serves the dual purpose of taking action against climate change and building your business. Guests have demonstrated they flock to places that show the same values they hold on our environment and you won’t likely scare away those that aren’t as concerned. In the end, we all have to live on the same planet, so no effort to protect it should be without consideration.

