The Daily Rail: Is Bartending School Worth It? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Is Bartending School Worth It?

Friday, January 20, 2017


Today's Specials: 


VIDEO: French Toast is Served Best Warm... Gross! [HOW HOLLYWOOD SEES US]

Cult comedy classics like Road Trip all have cinematic devices like the scene we feature today. Physical comedy abounds as the characters are unaware of how the server/cook is abusing them.


INFOGRAPHIC: 3 Ways Restaurants are Blowing it with Email Marketing

Are bars & restaurants using email marketing efficiently? According to a recent poll -- not even close. Here are three ways you're failing to take advantage of your email list.


MARKETING: Own the Wing Game with Frank’s RedHot® [Sponsored by Frank’s RedHot®]

Frank’s RedHot® King of Wings program allows you access to buzz-building promotions throughout the year that help you engage patrons and turn your fans into true fanatics. Also get access to trending recipes, professional insights, social media support and really cool FREE STUFF! Do you have what it takes to become a Frank’s RedHot® King of Wings? Find out.




Player’s Only

TNT will experiment with “player’s only” broadcast nights with analysts doing the play-by-play. It’ll happen on Monday nights for five straight weeks, starting on February 27th. There’ll be no traditional broadcasters, just players giving their perspective on the game.


Inauguration Firsts

The Donald gets sworn in as the US’s 45th president today, the first person elected president with no prior government or military experience. Here’s a cool list of other inauguration firsts.


Offensive Name?

Moby Dick’s is suing a business council in Vancouver for blocking their lease because they find the word “Dick” offensive. Gotta wonder if the council knows that Moby Dick is named after a book and not the name of someone’s genitalia…

How Obese is Your State?

State of Obesity has released a new map, showing the obesity rate of adults by each state. Where does your state stand?



Why it matters to you: what impact can food poisoning have on your reputation?

For those of us that have had food poisoning, we can tell you now it’s horrible. In an effort to pinpoint food-born illness at the source, one website is using crowdsourcing to collect complaints about past restaurant illnesses. According to The News Tribune, was created 10 years ago for people to share the restaurants that have given them food poisoning. On the site, users can browse establishments, symptoms experienced, if a doctor’s visit was necessary and the dates of the poisoning.

The Tacoma Health Department took action in temporarily shutting down one fondue restaurant in Washington last December based on reviews from the site. Although we never intentionally try to harm our guests, sometimes mistakes can happen.  Appearing on the site can definitely take a hit to your reputation; therefore it is crucial to respond accordingly to negative reviews. It is our job to ensure that our guest’s safety is our first priority.


Why it matters to you:
Would you consider hiring someone with a bartender’s certificate?

Most restaurant managers would laugh in a person’s face if they came in looking for a bartending position with only a certificate to offer. According to this story, bartending schools actually know that. According to the author, he and those in his class were instructed not to use their certificate. In this case, why hand them out?

Just about everything on offer from a bartending school can be learned on the internet, except for one thing. According to the author, students actually learn pour counts. The test for the certificate is also a bit of a rapid-fire exam that does mimic what it’s like to actually work in a bar. Is the several hundred dollars worth it for a piece of paper? Definitely not. 



Why it matters to you: If you want your children to continue your business after your gone, start your succession planning now

In a recent interview with Mark Wahlburg regarding his burger concept Wahlburgers, he was asked if he hopes to pass on the business to his four children. His response was, ““I realized what a great opportunity it would be to build a business with my family and pass it on to generations.” While a terrific sentiment many family operated businesses find this harder to execute than you would think. Unfortunately, succession is not as simple as just giving your kids “the business”.

In fact, those that do estate planning professionally identify multiple steps required to effectively implement a succession plan that smoothly transitions the business and avoids the turmoil of taxes and infighting. Generally, a good plan starts early, includes extended family, avoid the mistakes of others and a rock solid buy-sell agreement. Take a moment and read this article from FSR magazine, if you are interested in your children (or anyone you care about for that matter) taking over your business when you are ready to exit. It’s a good start for sure.

