The Daily Rail: Restaurant Food Waste is Costing Operators Thousands — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Restaurant Food Waste is Costing Operators Thousands

MARKETING: Sports Bar Marketing Tips to Grow Your Fan Club Chapter [Presented by FanWide]

Even if you’re abale to partner with an existing fan club chapter, you must still actively promote its events to keep the group growing. You should be constantly trying to attract new supporters who have recently moved to the area or are visiting your city. Here are some tips for marketing your new fan club, from inward marketing to social and beyond.


CBS Dumped?

A carriage dispute between CBS and AT&T could lead to CBS affiliate stations being dropped from DirecTV, DirecTV Now and U-Verse later today. CBS released a statement saying the two sides need to come to an agreement by Friday night or stations will be dropped. AT&T/DirecTV is also facing carriage disputes with Nexstar.

History of the Emoji

2019 will see the release of 230 new emojis including the waffle, the sloth and the wheelchair, growing the number of the popular pictograms to 3,019. What emojis appear on people’s phones and on their social media platforms is not arbitrary but has been coordinated by the Unicode Consortium since 1995, when the first 76 pictograms were adapted by U.S. nonprofit.

Infographic: In 2019, Global Emoji Count is Growing to More Than 3,000 | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Storming Area 51

After encounters between U.S. Navy fighter pilots and strange objects near the southeastern coast of the United States came to light, UFOs have suddenly gotten more attention. That was amplified further due to an online event to storm Area 51 which garnered 1.4 million signatures and attracted a rebuke from the U.S. Air Force. According to YouGov polling, 54% of Americans think the government has UFO information it isn't sharing with the public.

Infographic: Is The U.S. Government Hiding Something About UFOs? | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: Food waste is costing you thousands.

Among the most central responsibilities of a restaurant operator is managing inventory as pertains to cost of goods sold. From price fluctuations to theft, there are myriad ways that cost controls can be challenging. One of the most effective ways to control inventory costs is by reducing food shrink. This is especially important with your fresh items that are more volatile in both price and shelf-life. Consequently, to combat the risks of including fresh products on your menu, you must employ systems that facilitate your cost controls.

For example, if you are counting your inventory regularly, then you have taken the most important step in reducing shrinkage. Which is to say, you know from whence your inventory losses come. Among the most pervasive culprit of food shrink is simple waste. The majority of reasons that food shrink happens are totally controllable. Whether you improve labeling or aggressively track your rotation tasks, food waste (especially fresh foods) can be avoided.

There are, of course, instances when you aren’t able to control the situation -- like when a cooler goes down. If you have two cooler equipment failures per year, it could cost you as much as $10k. We suggest employing modern technology that allows temperature tracking of your major cooling equipment. This way you are notified long before your cooler goes down and food is lost. This allows you to act quickly to preserve the fresh food you have on hand. Put more succinctly, our industry throws away 63 million tons of food annually, which means your restaurant is likely wasting thousands of pounds of food annually. By reducing that waste by only 20% you could move thousands to your bottom line.

[Source: FSR Magazine]


Why it matters to you: You can learn from the way the first weed café is managing their neighbor’s objections

The first legally licensed weed café in set to open in Los Angeles. As with any new venture, not everyone is excited about the prospect. In the case of the Lowell Café, they are near a synagogue and the congregation is not happy about the prospect. Congregation Kol Ami is across from the proposed café and Rabbi Denise Eger has concerns about their presence so near her house of worship. She said during a license commission hearing, “We are deeply concerned about this business and this outdoor space and smoke clouds of cannabis that will limit the usage of our outdoor space.” While there is little here to be surprised by, what we can learn from is the way the Lowell Café has approached their less-than-welcoming neighbor.

The owners have bent over backwards by organizing their space so the weed consumption won’t happen on La Brea and consequently not be in the face of congregants as they gather for services. They have also installed a well-established air filter system to ensure no wafting vapors will impeded the worship at the synagogue. The reality is many times our industry has been a bit indifferent to the needs of their neighbors. To the credit of the management at the Lowell Café, they appear to be working diligently and in good faith to allay the concerns posed by Rabbi Eger. They represent a solid lesson in respecting your neighborhood and not just doing what they are allowed to, but also doing what is right. We can all benefit from that lesson.

[Source: Vice]

