The Daily Rail: Looking at the Dark Side of Restaurant Delivery Services — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Looking at the Dark Side of Restaurant Delivery Services

SURVEY: How Does Your Restaurant Use Food Delivery Apps?

For the past month, we've been publishing a series of posts on restaurant delivery, everything from analyzing the best third-party apps, to doing DIY delivery, to insights into delivery execution. Now we want to hear from you. We want to know what your restaurant is doing for delivery, what you use, and how it's working out. We would love to hear your feedback! We’ll compile the results into a story so you can compare what you’re doing to other industry leaders.


How to Make Your Own Lick-able Wallpaper

Now here’s an interesting idea for your restaurant that would certainly be memorable – Willy Wonka-styled Lick-able Wallpaper. YouTube channel HealthyJunkFood made their own version of the wallpaper using an everyday printer, clip art, print cartridges filled with food dye, and some flavor extract. See how here.

Where Home Prices are Rising the Fastest & Slowest

While home prices appreciated in all 50 states and the District of Columbia between Q1 2018 and Q1 2019, the pace of growth varies significantly across different regions. While house prices in Idaho and Nevada saw double digit growth over the past twelve months, homes in Louisiana, Delaware and Maryland appreciated by less than 1%.

Infographic: Where Home Prices Are Rising Fastest (and Slowest) | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

RIP CrossFit Facebook & IG

CrossFit built a foundation of fans and followers through social media platforms. But now the workout brand has deactivated their Facebook and Instagram accounts over privacy concerns (among others). This is a big deal considering that CrossFit had a deal with Facebook in 2017 to livestream some of the CrossFit Games. So why did CrossFit deactivate their account? It stems from an incident where Facebook deleted a nutrition and fitness group without warning, but their main complaints boils down to them not trusting Facebook and not liking how Facebook handles user data.


Why it matters to you: It appears delivery is not ALL rainbows & unicorns.

With every hot new trend there is a trajectory of great expectations that invariably leads to seeing the negative aspects of that very same trend. Delivery is no exception and two different stories are proof that while delivery may be a game-changer, it’s not without its perils. The first account is a beef between GrubHub and a small from Philadelphia/New Jersey chain, called Tiffin Indian Cuisine, that has escalated into a class action suit.

The complaint is that GrubHub’s third-party calling feature was charging operators even when there was no order made. In fact, the issue was serious enough for the NY State Restaurant Association to issue instructions on how to track GrubHub’s charging for those calls. No matter who wins (GrubHub denies any wrongdoing), it’s a comment on the micro aspects of managing third-party delivery and not a good one. What restaurant operator wants another metric they have to track to ensure they don’t get ripped off?

And speaking of ripped off, that’s exactly what a huge Applebee’s franchisee is trying to avoid by eliminating delivery as a test in a few of their restaurants. In fact, in the locations they have eliminated delivery, they are finding dining room and curbside carryout actually increase. This could spell trouble for third-party delivery systems if a major operators like Applebee’s determines that delivery, in its current state, isn’t for them. We encourage you to read our delivery execution review to learn as much as you can before you choose one of these services.

[Sources: NRN & Restaurant Business]


Why it matters to you: We examine where you can impact the use of dangerous chemicals in the agra-food supply.

Our industry is an enormous consumer of produce and, as such, we have a vested interest in the safety of that food supply. This is why you should care that DowDuPont is spending millions in campaign contributions to influence the approval of a pesticide that is linked to brain damage in children. Chlorpyrifos has been a boon for the chemical giant with a huge swath of it being added to agra installations across the entire US. This should be scary enough given Chlorpyrifos is linked to brain damage in children, but it’s the unknown consequences that should equally frighten our industry.

We can’t imagine why any operator would risk injuring anyone by serving produce that has been exposed to Chlorpyrifos, so we think you should at least understand the implications of this pesticide. No, you can’t likely call your produce provider and demand they only deliver Chlorpyrifos-free foods, but you can ask them if they are aware of the pesticides added to the produce they sell. It’s only by everyone in the supply chain questioning the efficacy of a product and its production that real change can happen. If enough of our industry were to speak out against the process by which agra products are treated, we will all be safer.

[Source: Mother Jones]

