The Daily Rail: Restaurants Need to Organize the Planning of a New Location to Increase Success — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Restaurants Need to Organize the Planning of a New Location to Increase Success

OPERATIONS: Our Top 4 Preventative Maintenance Checklist Items

There are many ways to perform preventive maintenance at a restaurant; however, some tasks are more beneficial than others and should be done with care to ensure the continued health of the business and the equipment. There are four restaurant checklist items that are integral to any maintenance program that prides itself on avoiding needless repairs.


Inmate Booze Run

Cue “Eastbound and Down” for this one. Four inmates from a Texas federal prison were caught after they escaped and then returned with whiskey and cellphones. Officials said they started their search after receiving reports that inmates were leaving to bring back contraband. Makes you wonder how they knew they were gonna come back. Anyways, apparently prison life isn’t too bad as long as you have your poison of choice and a cell.

The Syria Withdrawal

More Americans disapprove than approve of the military withdrawal of U.S. troops in Syria. Among Democrats, 57% say they feel it was wrong to remove U.S. troops from the region. Despite criticism from leading Republicans, only 16% of GOP supporters think the withdrawal was the wrong call.

Infographic: How Americans Feel About Trump's Syria Withdrawal  | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

World’s Most Competitive Economies

Singapore performed well across macroeconomic stability, infrastructure, innovation capability and its labor market. Despite the U.S. slipping to second place with 83.7 points of 100, the report states that it remains an innovation powerhouse, ranking first on the business dynamism pillar, second on innovation capability and first for finding skilled workers.

Infographic: The World's Most Competitive Economies | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: Organize your planning around a new location in advance to increase your likelihood of success.

If you are ready to grow your brand, you can’t avoid the financial considerations that may constrain that aim. You’ve already bought or opened a restaurant, so you are no stranger to the fact that money is the most pressing challenge facing any new restaurant concept. However, it’s not necessarily about having enough money than it is about how you direct the money you have to spend. That’s why this nifty financial check list is a great place to focus your planning prior to actually opening your new location. The first item focuses on an honest evaluation of your current business model. You are about to open a brand new location, which means you don’t have to repeat any mistakes and an analysis of your current model is the place to avoid those repeated errors.

But the check list doesn’t stop there with analysis. Current trends in design, menu, marketing and operations should all factor into the process of opening your new location. For example, when moving forward with a new location, you have to first find the right location, hire/train a great staff (which is MUCH easier with an existing restaurant to use for development), and really invest in your marketing. And, of course, there is the technology available to integrate into your new location that needs to be considered. All in all, the check list doesn’t answer any questions, but it does help you organize your efforts around good process and organized preparation. From there you just do what great operators -- operate.

[Source: Modern Restaurant Management]


Why it matters to you: What you say matters, even from years ago.

You are excused if you have never heard of Charles Schumann. He was this year’s recipient of the Industry Icon Award at this year’s World’s 50 Best Bars ceremony in London -- sort of. See, Schumann, who is world renowned bartender (nope still doesn’t ring a bell for us either) is also famous for some horrible misogynistic comments he has made over the years.

In at least two interviews, Schumann has dropped such gems as, “A bar is no place for a woman. The important characters are always men,” and “[Women] can come, but they are not wanted,” which he said when a reporter at The Japan Times confronted him with the first quote. The award in light of his past comments sparked a backlash to which Schumann responded by returning the honor.

For us the question is, is there a statute of limitations on bad behavior? It’s fairly easy to see both sides of this argument. On the one, how is someone guilty of these comments even eligible for a specialized industry award? On the other hand, when and how does someone rehabilitate their reputation after making a grave error? Think in terms of Michael Jackson. Thriller is still one of the greatest albums ever made, but we can still be angry about his behavior. Life is complicated and each of us must navigate those complications. This much we do know: Schumann is neither the best or the worst thing he has ever done and that is true of us all. We would all do well to remember that, lest we be judged ourselves.

[Source: GrubStreet]

